
2021 NESA Confirmation of Entry Forms

Over the next week or so, students of Years 10, 11 and 12 will confirm their respective enrolment entries with the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) for the purpose of credentialing, ultimately leading to the award of the Higher School Certificate.


The students are required to check their personal details, all subjects currently undertaken, as well as other details such as indigenous status and Australian citizenship. In addition, each Year 12 student will confirm his eligibility for an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). A few Year 12 students will choose not to receive an ATAR.


It should also be noted that in signing the Confirmation of Entry form for the HSC, each Year 12 student is confirming he has read and understood the NESA booklet, Rules and Procedures for 2021 Higher School Certificate Candidates, issued to the students last term and available on the NESA website at Rules and processes | NSW Education Standards. Also, each Year 12 student is confirming he has completed the NESA All My Own Work program about good scholarship practices.


Years 10 and 11 Confirmation of Entry forms are signed, dated and returned during Homeroom. The forms do not leave the College. All forms are then cross-checked for accuracy with both College and NESA records. In the case of Year 12, each student signs and dates his form individually with Ms Doonan.


It is very important that student information maintained by the College is true and accurate and matches records held by NESA for the purposes of credentialing the awards for the Record of School Achievement and the Higher School Certificate. Changes in contact details, medical information or other family details for a student and/or family need to be communicated to the College in writing and should be forwarded to the Enrolments Officer, Mrs Toogood, by mail or via email


Should parents or their sons have any questions or concerns regarding any of the details mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.


Michael Cutrupi

Director of Curriculum