Senior Curriculum 

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We would like to let you know that we will be holding a Senior Pathways information evening next term on Wednesday 28th April for parents of Year 10 students. This evening will enable us to provide you with information about our Senior Pathway options for students over the next two years of their schooling, including subject offerings, VET courses and applied vocational pathway options. Students will be attending their own session held during their school day.  

Taking action: Why waiting for motivation is not the key to success

As the term is coming to an end, some students may feel like their motivation levels are dwindling. Often we wait for the feeling of motivation before we take action – whether that be to complete study or home learning activities, exercising, cleaning our rooms, stacking the dishwasher… the list goes on. The reality is, we rarely feel motivated to do all the things that we need to do to help us get to where we want to go. We wait for this feeling of motivation to arrive to help us take the action required. If we were to flip this idea on its head and focus on taking action, what we often find is once the action has taken place, the motivation then follows, this then helps us to continue taking further action. 


Motivational speaker, Mel Robbins has developed the 5 second rule. The concept is that we have a 5 second window to take action on a task and once this window passes, it becomes far more difficult to take action. So, how do we put this into action? When you have an activity you want or need to do (e.g. revision for your VCE subject), give yourself a 5,4,3,2,1 countdown and then take action straight away. Use this countdown to get yourself moving into the activity you are wanting to complete. Beyond this point, it is easy for us to talk ourselves out of what we are wanting or needing to do. I encourage you to have a go at this strategy over the next few weeks across a range of areas of your life. Hopefully what you will find is that you are more productive, working towards your goals, feeling better/proud/accomplished in your life. 


This strategy can help us bridge the knowing-doing gap; this is the space between knowing what we want or need to do but not necessarily taking an action to begin the ‘doing’ (taking action). We can have a large amount of unhelpful self-talk that keeps us from taking action. The 5-second rule can help you minimise this unproductive self-talk and help you take action, allowing the motivation to follow. 


‘If you only did the things you didn’t feel like doing, you’d have everything you ever wanted’ - Mel Robbins

5 Second Rule video

Further reading from Mel Robbins