Middle School Report

Middle School Team News

Our Year 9s have settled into a excellent routine as we have returned to learning in 2021 and as we head into the Term 1 Easter break we still have a full calendar of events to look forward to.

There have already been lots of events and activities for our students to get involved in. The Year 9 Advance class spend the day at the La Trobe Retirement village on March 15. The 

Outdoor Ed class hit the rapids and went kayaking on the 22 March and much fun was had. Our Middle School students have also represented the school in a number of sporting Round Robins. 


A reminder that  March 29  is  our Year 9 Health Immersion Day. This will be a wonderful day where we hear from guest speaker Hope Mathumbu, author of  “Growing Up African in Australia”.  As per previous communication by Mr McNeil  we will be running a  session on “Consent” run by external facilitators  Elephant Ed.

On March 30,  Parent, Student and Teacher Conferences will take place. We encourage all families to organise appointment times on Compass to hear the progress of their child.


Our Year 10 Outdoor ED class enjoyed a day surfing at Torquay. The weather conditions were perfect, bright blue sky and just enough of a breeze to have nice little sets to practise on. All of us got up at some stage and Mr Gayfer and I were very impressed that all students stayed out in the water for the entire two hours.

On Monday March 22nd our Year 10’s will be involved in an online VCE Ready seminar run by the State Library of Victoria.


As always if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Year level coordinator or myself – Nick Vass Middle School Team


Kind regards 

Middle School Team –

Ms Lily Popovska Year 9 Coordinator 

Mr David Gayfer Year 10 Coordinator

Ms Tammy Di Marco – Subschool Office 


Mr Nick Vass – Middle School Leader