Assistant Principal Report

A message from Natalie Manser 

 Hard to believe that we have less than 1 week to go before the end of term. There is a lot going on around the school from the Year 7 BBQ and Fair Go Sports to Common Assessment Tasks in all subjects and the Term 1 Progress Reports due for release soon. While there are many extra and Co-curricular activities, learning is our core business.   

Learning Supports at RHS- One of the educational challenges in schools is to meet the students at their point of need, to progress their learning. This is achieved with instruction in and out of the classroom. So to support the learning needs of all students in addition to differentiated teacher instruction in the classroom, we offer a range of additional learning supports to build and extend skills in numeracy, literacy and study skill. 


For identified students we provide:

Getting Ready in Numeracy – Year 8 targeting just behind their peers in Maths and pre- teaching key skills in preparation for learning in the classroom

  • Year 7 Numeracy Intervention Program- Working with small groups of students to build basic numeracy skills and bridge gaps in learning.
  • Numeracy Extension Year 8 and 9 – Students with above expected skills in Maths, work in small groups to further extend and challenge their Maths skills.
  • Year 8 and 10 MYLNS (Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Strategy) – Funding from the government provided to support individuals and small groups of identified students in and out of class to build key skills in reading, oral language, writing or numeracy.
  • Tutor Learning Program year 7 and 9 – Trained teacher tutors work in class and through withdrawal of small groups of students to work on their literacy skills.
  • Reading Intervention Program – Students work in small groups outside class with trained and experienced staff to progress their reading fluency, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
  • Year 12 Tutoring and Coaching Program- The Senior School has identified several Year 12 students who will benefit from teacher coaching to improve their study effectiveness and motivation throughout 2021.
  • Koorie Support Program – Experienced teacher (Jennifer Warwick) supports many of our Koorie students in and out of class to engage, progress and accelerate in their learning.  Mannon Johnstone will be joining the school staff in Term 2 to further support Koorie students. 
Jenny Warwick with School Captain, Eboney Jackson
Jenny Warwick with School Captain, Eboney Jackson
  • Program for Students with Disabilities- Students are supported by learning support staff to assist students to participate and progress in their learning.




Available for all students:

  • Independent Reading Program – Year 7 and 8 – participate in independent reading in English classes and individual reading conferences, to foster a love of reading and develop reading skills.
  • Homework Club – Held after school from Monday- Friday (3:30- 430pm) with teacher support available.
  • Lunchtime Math Help – Monday A3. All welcome.



Natalie Manser

Assistant Principal