Buildings and Grounds update

Grounds Update


Unfortunately our Stage 1 Building works have not yet been completed. The building contractors are still finalising the works with an estimated completion date now scheduled in the Easter Holidays. We would like to thank the continuing patience and understanding displayed by students and staff as the works slowly draw to a close. 


Year 12 Locker bay and Undercover Walkway


While our students have been enjoying the new learning facilities in the Senior School building, they have been required to walk around the Technology block in order to attend their classes in the new building. Last week, we were able to take down the fencing and all students and staff can now walk from the Science building to the new Senior School building via an undercover walkway. The locker bays for our students are now scheduled to be completed over the school holiday period. A big thank you to the Reservoir High School Council for funding this new walkway for our staff and students.



A Block Restoration and Link Corridor

The final stages of the repairs and restoration of the A block and Link corridor to the D Block are scheduled to be completed over the Easter holidays. This work is seeing the removal of the low roof line and box gutters, the addition of a new roof and facade changes. As any student in the school will tell you, when it rains, the Link Corridor and A block (The A block has recently been renamed- it was previously the old C Block) would leak due to the poor 1950s design of the gutters and roof line. 


The A block has been re-stumped, a new facade added, new roof and new gutters added. The link corridor will be re-opened at the start of Term 2 and this will cut down on the travel time and distance walked by students and staff as they transition between classes.



New School Courtyard


With the old C Block demolished, this has now left a large open space in the middle of the school. This large open space will be a key feature of the Stage 2 design which will begin in May. The intent of the school is to create improved outdoor spaces, including undercover areas, improved seating and natural gardens to compliment the new buildings being installed. 


Unfortunately due to the Stage 1 works running over schedule, the large open space has only just received its top soil and grass seed. With winter approaching, we are facing a number of months without grass covering in the centre of the school. We have added concrete paths for students and staff travel, but we may be required to have 'No Travel' spaces during the cold and wet winter months.