Principal's Report

A message from the Principal

Welcome to our March Newsletter


As we approach the end of Term 1, it is important to reflect on what has been a busy and productive term. Earlier this term we experienced a short period of lockdown, that saw our school schedule move around and many events change dates. It is a credit to our staff and students for their adaptability and ability to remain focused and resilient that together we have achieved so much in 2021. 


After the disruptions of 2020, it has been so pleasing to be able to come to gather as a school and experience so many of the events and gatherings that we could not celebrate in 2020. A key one of those is our Whole School Assembly. I was so pleased to be able to gather with all 700 students and 100 staff, hear from our Dux of 2020 Anastasia Typou and other high achieving students from the cohort of 2020, listen to our School Captains and many other students present and hear our talented musicians perform to a large audience. 

Kingsbury Scholarship
Kingsbury Scholarship

I wish to also thank Barbara Hinesley and Michael Ralston from the 2/14th Battalion Association for coming into school and announcing Yoedhzer Nidup as the 2020 Kingsbury Scholarship recipient. 

Another sign that we are returning to pre COVID times is how our students can participate in sport and other extra curricula events. Our fantastic debaters have begun the DAV competition with a win, our students have excelled at the Norther Metro Championships in swimming and I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing our Volleyball teams from Year 7-12 participate in the Darebin Division 

Karim with the Yr 8 Volleyball Team
Karim with the Yr 8 Volleyball Team

here in our Stadium. It has also been fantastic to see all of our teams both participate in the true spirit of fair competition, compete as a team and win many matches. I was privileged to watch our Year 7 and 8 teams compete. To see the friendships and connections they have created, their fair go sporting attitudes and teamwork while representing the school was amazing. Many of our older students take mentoring and coaching roles with the Junior teams, so a big shout out to students such as Karim in Year 12 for their guidance and expertise in working with our younger students. Congratulations to all teams, especially those teams that won the Darebin Division and now progress to the Northern Metros. Our Football Development Academy is back into full training and every day sporting clubs operate in the Stadium or external courts at lunch time. We have run our Fair Go Athletics Carnival and our E-Sports team 

Mr Chen with the E-Sports Team
Mr Chen with the E-Sports Team

are about to embark on their 2021 season and we look forward to seeing them take the next step- they have been 2nd in the state for the last two years and are keen to claim the top spot in 2021.


It is also very pleasing to see our Production return for 2021. Check out the School Production page in this newsletter for more details. 


Darebin Young Citizen of the Year
Darebin Young Citizen of the Year

Last week, Rumbi Mutezo of Year 12 was invited to attend the Darebin Community Awards. Rumbi had been nominated for the Youth Citizen of the Year Award. We were immensely proud of this nomination. Not only was Rumbi nominated, she was announced as the winner. Please see the page in this newsletter with more details. Rumbi is an immensely talented, bright and hard working young adult and this award recognises someone who gives so much for other people. 



Last week also saw the Class of 1970 celebrate their 50th School Reunion in our Performing Arts Centre. (It was scheduled for 2020- but COVID restrictions saw it postponed to 2021). 


New Staff

I am pleased to announce the following new staff to Reservoir High. We are keen to ensure that we continue to provide as much support for our students to achieve success and our new staff will be working with individual and small groups of students.


Mannon Johnstone- Indigenous Tutor

Elissa Pizzata- Integration Aide

Laura Lattuada- Literacy Tutor

Tegan French- Literacy Tutor


Mannon Johnstone
Tegan French
Laura Lattuada
Mannon Johnstone
Tegan French
Laura Lattuada

Assessment and Reporting 2021 

In 2020, Reservoir High trialled the use of a continuous feedback reporting model in Year 7 and reporting of CATs (Common Assessment Tasks) in Years 7-10 and SACs (School Assessed Coursework) in Years 11-12 through Compass.


In 2021, all Year levels now move to a continuous feedback and reporting model. This means-

  • At Years 7-10, a grade and comment will be provided for every CAT as they are completed. This is accessible for students and parents via Compass: Learning Tasks. This grade and comment will also appear on the end of Semester Report.
  • At VCE in Years 11-12, a score and comment will be provided for every SAC as they are completed. This is accessible for students and parents via Compass: Learning Tasks. This score and comment will also appear on the end of Semester Report.
  • Every term, Interim Reports will be provided to students and parents providing feedback on a 5 point scale in a number of behavioural and school expectations criteria.
  • VCAL students and Instrumental Music students will receive feedback every Term on Learning Outcomes and progress.
  • At the end of every Semester, all CATs and SACs feedback will be collated in the Report. At Years 7-10 the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Level will be recorded and at Year 11 and 12, an overall Grade (either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory) based on VCAA requirements.

The purpose of the shift in how we report is to provide feedback throughout the semester, and not wait until the end of the semester in order for parents and carers to see results. It allows student to see feedback on what they have achieved against the criteria as well as what they need to do to improve. It allows for parents and carers to access the same information throughout the semester and to promote an improved relationship between the school, students and parents in promoting student learning and achievement. 


I encourage all parents and carers to access Compass now and see the feedback for completed CATS and SACs from Term 1. 


Gender Violence and Consent Training in Victorian Schools

On March 15, I communicated with all students and families regarding our concern, position and approaches in relation to gender violence and sexual consent. A copy of my communication is also below. Since my message to the school community, it has been announced that all students in all schools in Victoria will receive education about consent. Reservoir High welcomes this announcement and looks forward to adding this further support to our program of respectful relationships and consent training. 


Here is a copy of my communication sent on March 15-

Today, in cities and towns around Australia, hundreds of thousands of Australians will be, and are marching in the Women's March 4 Justice in response to events reported in the Australian media over the past few weeks.  The issue of sexual consent and the tragic prevalence of gender-based violence against women and people who identify as non-binary has been brought to the fore following allegations at the highest levels and through the petition begun by Sydney student Chantel Contos. It is an issue that is unfortunately not new in our society.
At Reservoir High School, we understand how we both reflect our diverse community, but also how we have a responsibility and moral obligation to address this issue. Reservoir High stands strongly against gendered violence. ‘Respect’ underpins our key school value of diversity and as a lead school in the Respectful Relationships program, we firmly believe in the role of schools to support our young people to understand the issue and how we can work together to make our society a safer and more inclusive place for everybody. We were immensely proud last week when our students participated in both International Women’s Day events and the ‘Fair Go’ Athletics carnival. At both these events, our students told us how they stand against gendered violence and gender based stereotypes and their belief in creating a better society for all through increased understanding and respect for diversity. 
Reservoir High also engages in Health Immersion days as part of our curriculum. These immersion days teach Health and Respectful Relationships in our curriculum and reinforce our belief in the importance of building respect for our diverse community - a community that is diverse culturally, linguistically, religiously and in lifestyle choice - alongside understanding gender respect and sexual consent. We build respect through our mantra of being safe, being kind and being fair at all times.
It is through learning and working together and standing up for what is right that together we can influence change and improvement. As a school, we are committed to building a better future for all, both academically and socially. 


Andrew McNeil
