STEAM takes an integrated approach to learning combining: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math's 

STEAM takes an integrated approach to learning combining Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths where students need to use their critical thinking skills to problem solve.  Students in Years 7 and 8 undertake STEAM once a week as part of their curriculum.  

The focus for Year 7 this term has been getting to know how to use all the different apps in Microsoft Office 365 and how they can assist students in presenting their work.  Students have also started to undertake some STEAM Challenges which they will continue into Term 2 as well as an introduction to coding.  Students in 7D this week started their Bridge Building challenge to varying degrees of success and will continue to improve on their designs in coming weeks.

The focus for Year 8 this term has been on Aviation.  Students have been learning about the physics of flight and have completed their first CAT based around paper planes.  Year 8 students excitingly started building mechanical planes this week that will be tested and modified throughout the remainder of the term.  


Ms. Jodie Purches

Innovations & Excellence Learning Specialist