Library News

Ms Scott 

Welcome to the first Library news for the 2021, My name is Andrea Scott and I am the Librarian at Reservoir High. The library is a busy place and it is open before school and many students use the library in the morning to meet up with friends and complete work before class. 

Recess and Lunch times are extremely busy in the library, Computers are available for anyone needing to complete work or for printing. We have a variety of games for use such as Chess, Uno and Monopoly Deal are just to name a few.

The library is used by  Year 7 and 8 English classes for their Independent Reading sessions. During these classes I conduct individual Reading Conferences with all students. I sit and listen to students read and also chat about book choices and how I can help awaken a passion for reading. 

So far this term we have held a Club Expo and Year 7 Scholarship Presentations in the library.