Student Voice

Year 2B have been exploring our school values.

Chinese New Year by Ross and Charlie in Year 2D.


Chinese New Year


Chinese New Year is about celebrating the New Year across China. 

Each year, Chinese have big feasts. 


They have 12 animals. These 12 animals are mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.


These animals are representing each year.


Some people say there is a legend about Chinese New Year.


There once lived a monster called `Year’. Every Chinese New Year he would come and try to eat everyone. But, one Chinese New Year when year was in a village, a door with red paper was there and year could not open his eyes. 


Then an old man came out and scared year away everyone studied how the old man scared away Year.


Now people call this 

`Chinese New Year’.


Ross & Charlie (2D)