Message from

Nurse Janice

Secondary School vaccinations 

The Secondary School Vaccine Program offers free vaccinations to Year 7 and Year 10 students. These vaccines provide protection against: 

Year 7 students

  • Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (pertussis) - one injection
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – two injections spaced by a minimum of 6 months

Year 10 students

  • Meningococcal ACWY – one injection

Parents/guardians of Year 7 and Year 10 students should look out for the vaccine consent forms coming home from school with your child. You need to read the information, complete and return the form regardless of whether your child is being vaccinated at school.

The Loddon Shire immunisation service may contact you about the Secondary School Vaccine Program. Schools are authorised to provide basic parent/guardian contact details to local councils for this purpose. Contact the school by 28 February each year if you do not want your contact details given to the Loddon Shire immunisation service. 

Students who missed school vaccinations in 2020 

Some vaccines, due to students in 2020, were not delivered. This is because flexible and remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic response delayed or prevented the delivery of some vaccines – usually delivered on school grounds – at the intended times. Some students, now in Year 8 and/or Year 11 , may be due to complete their 2020 vaccine program this year to catch-up the missed vaccines Consent for these vaccines remains valid and you do not need to complete any additional forms. 

Local council immunisation services will be relying on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) to determine if your child is due for this vaccine and will not administer this vaccine if it has already been delivered by another immunisation provider, as recorded on AIR by the immunisation provider.  

If you have had your child vaccinated elsewhere, you may wish to ensure that this is reflected on the Australian Immunisation Register. You can do this by contacting the immunisation provider and asking them to confirm that the vaccine was recorded on AIR. 

You can contact the local council immunisation service on  54 94 1201to discuss any changes to your child’s health that you think might impact on their suitability to receive the vaccine or to withdraw your consent for vaccination at any time prior to vaccination day.

Letters and Immunisation consent cards will be sent home next week. Please return even if your student is not being immunised.

The Loddon Shire immunisation service will be visiting the school to provide the due vaccine on March 16th.


If you have any questions, please contact: -

Janice Deocampo, Wedderburn College School Nurse 54943011/ Mob 0417329774