Assistant Principal's


Mr Lockhart


Swimming Carnival

Fantastic effort by all Parents, Carers and Students in coming along but also dressing up and actively participating in our school carnival.  It has been our best attended Swimming Carnival for a number of years and unfortunately Jacka won!!!  I better be a good sport and say well done Jacka.   Also well done to everybody on making it a fun day.


Investiture Leadership Assembly

Our Investiture Leadership Assembly will take place on Friday 26th Period 1a. All our school leaders will be presented with their badge and take their oath to serve and respect the position they have been elected to. Parents and Carers are welcome to attend.


Hospital St Crossing

A reminder to all students that to get across Hospital Street they must do this via the school crossing which is located near the bike shed. Especially students who are getting off the NCTTC buses.


School Arrival Times

A reminder to all students that no student should be at school before 8.40am.