Deputy Principal - Student Development and Wellbeing

This week each of the Pastoral Guardians will share with you some of the happenings from their respective year levels.  This is important when there has been so much happening that doesn’t fit into the four walls of a classroom.


Some people may wonder why schools offer learning beyond the classrooms, but the answer is simple – holistic education.  Rodney H Clarken, in his paper presented at the 2006 American Educational Research Association,  stated:  "That the body, mind and soul are integral aspects of human nature and that each must be considered in treating and educating the whole person, whether physically, mentally or spiritually".  Holistic education is not a new theory as it has been one that has been held by most of humanity for recorded history. 


The benefits of a focus on holistic education enables each person to become "the very best or finest that they can be and enables them to experience all they can from life and reach their goals" (Marshman, 2010).  Opportunities provided at Mount Alvernia that extend beyond the classroom enable individuals to discover competencies and skills that they may not have an opportunity to explore in their connection with their daily timetable. By finding success in an outdoor adventure, a retreat, or a leadership workshop, a young person who may struggle in the rigour of a classroom achieves a sense of success that not only boosts their self-esteem but gives them an appreciation of what success feels like.  This in turn encourages that person to work towards goals that may bring a similar feeling of success inside the classroom.  


When reading the snapshots of what has been experienced in the different year levels this week, consider the advantages of opportunities to participate in innovative and well-rounded learning experiences.  Consider the skills and tools your child  may acquire that will help them find success and resilience to handle the varying experiences of life.  Every experience afforded our young people is a learning opportunity and it is in how we, as the adults, encourage engagement and participation in these experiences that gives them the signal of how much it matters. 


I want to thank you for continuing to support the College in ensuring your child gets the most out of what is on offer.  Enjoy the remainder of the week!

Annette Butterworth