Marion Coady

We are welcoming the following staff at the beginning of Semester 2:

  • Ms Jenny Palmer – returning from leave and teaching visual arts
  • Mr Marty Baker – teaching health and PE and science

Consistent with COVID advice and as the winter months descend, it is important that students who are not well should be staying at home. In the event that students are COVID tested, they should remain at home until the test results are received.


Our third Student Free Day for 2021 focussed on the ongoing development of the documented curriculum. We started the day looking at the National and State content that informs our work. Specifically:

  • the current review of the Australian Curriculum which will see changes for 2022
  • changes in Vocational Education and Training specifically the introduction of the Flexible Industry Pathways (FIP’s) and Stackable VET. For 2022 we will continue to offer two certificates which will be delivered by Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s)
  • The move by the SACE Board to the six aspects that underpin a thriving learner including:
    • Zest for Learning
    • Deep understanding and skilful action
    • Ability to transfer learning
    • Agency
    • Belonging
    • Human connectedness

As we move towards the end of term 2 a number of student performances have been or are being held. On 8 June we were treated to the Arts Night at the Hopgood Theatre. The St Augustine’s Music Concert is returning on 23 June with a range of musical items from our ensembles, school bands and choir. These performances provide our students with the opportunity to showcase their commitments to their learning working in teams and with their teachers.


Friday 25 June will see the Class of 2021 celebrate at the year 12 Formal. We wish all of our students and their partners a terrific night as they get together for a significant milestone in their last year at our school.


In preparation for 2022 when we will see in excess of 400 year 7 and 8 students start at our school, the Governing Council has approved a staggered start to the school year. This means:

  • Year 7, 8 and 12 students will commence on Monday 31 January
  • Year 9, 10 and 11 students will commence Tuesday 1 February

The staggered start is to enable us to ensure that our new year 7 and 8 students have a specific program supporting their transition to high school as well as our year 12 students starting their courses.


A reminder that if parents and caregivers need to contact their children during the school day you need to ring Student Services on 8270-4455. We have a procedure for students to leave the school to ensure that we are meeting our duty of care requirements and know where students are.