Conveyance Allowance

Dear Parents and Carers,


In 2021, families from our school may be eligible for financial assistance to help them meet the cost of transporting children to and from school. The financial assistance – known as a conveyance allowance – is designed for students who can’t access free school buses, and helps cover the cost of public transport, private car and private bus. 


To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, students must be of school age and attend their nearest government or non-government school appropriate to their year level at which admission is permissible; reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the school. The conveyance allowance is paid by the Department of Education and Training to families via the school. 


If you think your child may quality for a conveyance allowance, please contact the school to discuss eligibility, and for further information on the application process and payment amounts. More information is also available by emailing:  


Applications for Term 1 must be submitted to the administration office no later than Friday 12th March, 2021.