Principal News

Loving God

You have given all peoples one common origin,

and your wiII is to gather them as one family in yourself.

Fill the hearts of all with the fire of your love


and the desire to ensure justice for all our sisters and brothers.

By sharing the good things you give us

may we secure justice and equality for every human being, an end to all division,

and a human society built on love and peace.

John Paul II, Solcitudo Rei Sociais, 1987


Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.

It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

“Everyone Belongs”


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


Today the College celebrated Harmony Day in style. Our assembly was livestreamed on our Facebook Page and it is worth a look to see the vibrancy of our day. Our students (with support of staff) organise the day and share their cultural pride for all to enjoy. The students sung and danced their way through the hour and we watched a student produced video clip discussing the unique culture of Marian and a new College Acknowledgement of Country. Mrs Segrave told the community, “Thank you for your support of our annual Harmony Day celebrations. I hope you enjoyed the assembly and the Taste of Harmony. As always, the students’ willingness to perform and support their peers was a testament to our College culture. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of the staff that assisted with the stalls, every group sold out of food which is incredible. 


The dedication of Mr and Mrs Blanco, Mr Rizzeri, Ms Lole, Ms Tappi, Mr Segrave and Ms Comarin in rehearsing, preparing, recording and supporting their cultural groups. Your hard work clearly demonstrates your commitment to enhancing our College community. Thank you!!


Mr Abdala in his first large school event as Leader of Mission introduced a fantastic new Acknowledgement of Country and his hard work and support was vital to the success on the entire day.”


“We are most likely to excite people with our faith if Christianity is grasped as the invitation to live fully” Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP


Recently I participated in a Marist Associations’s online Symposium with 600 people. The speaker was Father Timothy Radcliff OP. The symposium attracted catholics from dioceses throughour Australia and overseas, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Timor-Lests, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and members of the Marist Brothers Genaral House in Rome. Father Tim’s thought provoking comments and reflections on living the Christian life promoted a stimulating discussion during the symposium. The essence of Fr Timothy’s discussion was reflected in the assertion that “we are most likely to excite people in our faith if Christianity is grasped as the invitation to live fully”.


Speaking of the many challenges that young people face in Catholic schools, participants were reminded to create space to allow the healing love of God in their lives. Drawing on the metaphor of gardening, Fr Timothy posited that the challenge for Christians is “to become gardeners of life, raising childrenwho know the art if speaking healing words to others, who give oxygen to live…knowing when we share in that devine creativity we heal, we set free,we forgive, we make new”.


Brother Peter Carroll MSA noted, “The number of participants and quality of engagement demonstrated once again in this holy season of Lent, the thirst among committed Catholics for spiritual thought, discourse and reflection. Seeing so many people in a diversity of contextx earnestly searching together was a graced experience.”

There were seven staff from Marian who participated!


The community prays for the soul of Kevin Pollock, former Bursar of Catholic High from 1985-1988. Kevin was also involved in the Sacred Heart Parish and the Diocesan Catholic Education Finance Committee. RIP Kevin Pollack


Peace and Best Wishes

Alan LeBrocque