Term Two Catch Up

YAC Grants and Awards Night 2017

On the 21st of April, the city of Melton’s Youth Advisory Council welcomed family and friends to the YAC Grants and Awards Night at the Melton Youth Facilities.


Hosted by Mark Goodie, Mayor Sophie Ramsey and councillors acknowledged the valuable contribution of today’s youth in various categories.  Congratulations goes out to Nikita Davies for Social Justice, to Sakir Nawaz, Christine Papalii Seu, and Suitupe Seu for Cultural Diversity, and to Sharie  May Castillo for Positive Role Model.



Melton youth were also given the opportunity to apply for grants to help further their skills and passions.  Alisar Chakik and Jade-Amanda Falzon-Tabone received support for the Arts program, while Akira Richardson received it for Sports, and Peter Griffin for Determination.


Many thanks to the Wellbeing Team, EAL Team, and Staughton teachers for supporting our students in their applications, as well as to Mr. David Lord for attending the evening. It was a wonderful event with talented people, positive connections, and good food.

CDW Morning Tea

23 May 2017


We are very proud of our talented students, and truly appreciative when they share their cultures with the rest of the community.  On the 23rd of May, we had a special morning tea to acknowledge and celebrate the special performers for Cultural Diversity Week 2017.  

Africa Day

25th May 2017

Africa Day is an annual celebration of the 1963 founding of the African Union, and gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the achievements and contributions of the people of Africa. 

On the 25th of May, at lunch time, the EAL crew joined the lunch time radio show to play African songs for the entire school!


Special thanks must go out to Ms Nicki Currey for running a special edition of Nicki's Nails.  Everyone enjoyed the vibrant colours!