Parents Association 

Message from Co-Chairs 

Connie Sands & Virginia Pullman


I think we are all still recovering from our major fundraiser, parents night out.  It was fantastic to see so many faces across each year level attending.  Everyone embraced the opportunity to dress up, had some fun and generously supported the school.  A huge thank you to Belinda Quinn,  Paige Harrington and all the volunteers for pulling off an event extraordinaire. 


But with only 4 weeks till the end of term we still have another major event to squeeze in, and several other key dates on the St James Calendar.  We will be sending out plenty of reminders, so no one misses out on all the colour and fun, but please make note of these very special event dates.


Let's Get Nautical! Parents Night Out Sum Up!

On Saturday August 6th many of our St James parents came together at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club for an evening to reconnect with the community and form new friendships.  The theme of the night was ‘Let's Get Nautical.’  There were sailors, captains, pirates, lobsters and lifeguards!  Congratulations to Cass White on her most creative costume, a lighthouse! And to the best couple of the evening, the fishermen duo Michelle and Dave Thomas.


The fun kicked off at 7pm with delicious canapes and drinks in hand.  Markus Quinn led a warm and witty welcome, and thank you’s were said by the organisers and PA co-chairs.  Mr Flanagan made a special appearance, which was taken as an opportunity to formally wish him well on the exciting new appointment at Clairvaux Catholic School.  Tim Bartley presented an exclusive nautical-themed Kahoot, where three apt winners walked away with their own bottle of wine.  Guests generously dug deep at the silent auction table, where over 70 kindly donated items were snatched up, contributing to the majority of the total funds raised!  The DJ turned it up and we danced, we sang and memories were made - a fun night had by all!

Thank you to the large community of people who purchased golden tickets, even if they were unable to be in attendance on the evening, and congratulations to our 5 lucky winners! Sarah Davis took out the 1st prize of a $500 Chadstone Voucher, we hope you treat yourself to something special.  Incredibly, over $17,500 was raised in total, all thanks to the generosity of each of our families. These funds will be dispersed to enhance the safety and opportunities for our children through the purchase of a defibrillator and vital resources for our Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) run by our school OT, Ashley.

A massive thank you to all involved on the night, and to those who went out of their way to make this event the success that it was; Connie Sands, Virginia Pullman, Markus Quinn, Kath & Nick Power, Danielle & Tim Bartley, Jess & Ryan Turton, Hilary Davidson and Natalie Jarvis – we cannot thank you enough. We would also like to express a particular thank you to the following families for their major donations to the silent auction; the Korbers, the DeClase family, the Quinn family, the Pullman family, the Sauerbrunn family, the Ferrari family, the Rowse family, the Kwok family and the Sands family. Without your generous donations, we would not have raised nearly as much as we did!


And that is a close on Parent’s Night Out for 2022!




Paige Harrington & Belinda Quinn





 Head to the colour run section of the newsletter for further details!






Our Dad’s and Special Friends deserve to be celebrated.  Join us for a bagel and juice breakfast. 

Tickets are $15 per family to cover catering and can be purchased here: by Thursday 25th August (1 week to go, don’t miss out!).



Oaks Day

If you are interested in backing a winner this Oaks Day with some of the St James Mum’s a table at the Brighton Yacht Club Oaks Day Luncheon has been organized.  Bookings are essential and please mention St James so you can be seated together.  Get in quick this event is hot property and tickets are selling fast.  Any questions please contact the organiser Belinda Chapman.




We are very grateful for the continued support of all our parents, the school and local  community. All our PA members are volunteers who generously give up their own time to organize our school events. 


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly:



  • Fathers day breakfast - Thursday 1 September 2022
  • Colour run - Friday 2 September 2022
  • Oaks day lunch - Thursday 3rd November 2022