Class News 

Library in 3/4CC

Each week our class goes to the library to borrow books, share our love of reading with each other, and two children select a book to read to the class!  You can see Lachie and Ava preparing the book they chose to read 'The Very Cranky Bear'.  Their expression, pace and intonation was fantastic and the whole class were engaged listening to them.

We love library time each week!


Year 3/4 Rube Goldberg Machines

This term, the 3/4 classes have been learning about physical science and the amazing contraptions of Rube Goldberg. Rube would create machines that did easy tasks through a series of steps involving chain reactions. 


Mrs Conway has inspired the children in the 3/4 classes to be creative, and use a variety of materials and forces (gravity, momentum, push, pull, levers, pulleys, friction) to create a chain reaction.

Here are some of the Rube Goldberg machines they have made.

Poetry written by 3/4C 

For writing this week the 3/4 students have chosen their preferred poem style to create and publish poems based on their interests. They have chosen to write either a Haiku, Cinquain poem or paint chip poetry. Here are some pieces from 3/4C. 



Year 3/4B Cinquain Poetry

This week the class have been writing cinquains. Cinquain poetry follows a specific format. Cinquains are 5 lines long.  We hope you enjoy them.







Year 6: Dream City 

On the 18th of August year 6 took the train in to the city to go to Dream City.

Dream City allowed us to explore multiple future careers such as firefighter, pilot, virtual reality, key hole surgeon, podcaster and exercise scientist.

We had a wonderful time and it made us realise there are many more careers we could consider for our future. Every single student had a different favourite experience for many reasons.  Notable favourites include:

  • Fire fighter because you could get super fit having to wear the 22 kilogram suit everyday and only having 90 seconds to get to the fire truck. 
  • Working with athletes to make them jump higher, run faster and have better skills.
  • Becoming a podcaster and using  the art of language and descriptive speech to engage with listeners.
  • A key hole surgeron because of the practice and skill it takes to help others.

Exploring virtual reality was really interesting however the experiences we enjoyed the most was flying the plane and following instructions to level up!



We even ended the day with slurpees from Martin Street! We had such a wonderful day, thank you again to the whole community for helping us fundraise to get there







Prayer in Pyjamas - Foundation Faith Night

On Tuesday the 9th of August, the Foundation students and their families attended Faith Night, where the focus was Prayer.  It was a fantastic evening that saw students and families making prayer beads, learning about prayer spaces and discussing where they can pray.


Fire Ed for Foundation

Foundation has been working with Fire Rescue Victoria to complete the Fire Ed for Foundation Program.  

We have spent time learning what to do in an emergency and how the firefighters can help us. We loved having the firefighters visit the school. We practised ‘crawl down low and go, go, go’ and ‘stop, drop, cover and roll’. We also got to see the fire truck and use the hose! The firefighters have made these visits so much fun and we now know how to stay safe in an emergency.


Mystery Reader

In the Junior School, we have had a mystery reader visit us each week.  We carefully listen to clues and try to guess who could be visiting our class. It is so much fun to see who walks through the door to read us a story!  We have loved hearing so many new and exciting books and finding out why our mystery reader loves their chosen book.


Reminder: Assembly Dates