Events at school

Purchase your CSC Yearbook Now!
There is still time to purchase your copy of this year's Yearbook. Our yearbook celebrates our schools events and is a great keep sake for when you want to reflect on your school years with friend in years to come. We have staff & student portraits, camp pics, sports, special events and so much more.
So don't miss out! The price for this professional produced book is $24 which can be purchased over the phone or pop in to see our reception team to make a payment.
Any quiries can be direct to
Mt Alexander Schools Chess Challenge
On Wednesday, 14 September, Castlemaine Secondary College had the great pleasure of hosting the 2022 Mt Alexander Schools Chess Challenge with 220 students, making it the biggest tournament of its kind in Victoria. Six secondary schools including our own attended: Olivet, Werribee SC, Alice Miller, Girton and Ballarat and Clarendon. Clarendon was the overall winner, and their team included the girl’s state champion for her age group in Victoria last year. Due to the generosity of Chess Victoria, which has annually supported the tournament by providing the bulk of sets and clocks, all six teams will be offered a place in the State Finals. The Primary School Section was hotly contested with 160 competitors from schools including most locally and others from Ballarat and Clarendon, Candlebark and Bolinda! Rotary of Castlemaine generously supported the event with a free barbeque for the players. Overall, the event was a resounding and unqualified success. While the pandemic has seen a range of activities head online, students have been crying out for over-the-board chess and a return to normality. It has also provided valuable exposure to our school for local students who will be attending here in the near future. I would like to personally thank a number of people who made this possible. Locals Harry Poulton and Kevin Brown have been instrumental in organising the event annually, which has included a number of venue changes. Nigel Barrow from Bendigo has run the technical side of the tournament from its inception and did so marvellously again. I would like to commend Lynnie for her patience and diligence in making room swaps happen in difficult circumstances. Neil did a great job providing extra chairs and tables on short notice and moving our barbeque down to Wellbeing. Thanks to Sarah Ward for offering to help with the Primary Section, and if it appears as if she has lost some of her hearing, you will understand why. A big thanks to all staff who assisted in herding students and putting up with room swaps. We look forward to hosting the event again next year, and I would love to have some feedback. Thanks, Mark
Small-group English tutoring – 6 FREE sessions during Term 4
In Year 9 or 10 and studying English? Looking to extend your writing skills?
Dr Lucy Mow, a highly experienced English teacher with a PhD in Education and a passion for quality writing, is offering 6 free small-group tutoring sessions focused on improving analytical writing skills during Term 4.
- These sessions will suit students who are in Years 9 or 10 and who are already reasonably competent writers.
- Sessions will focus on developing and extending writing skills, rather than teaching particular texts or content.
- Sessions will be offered weekly in the Castlemaine Library across a series of 6 Wednesday afternoons from 4.15-5.15pm, beginning Wednesday 12th October and concluding on Wednesday 16th November.
- Students who choose to participate will need to make a commitment to all 6 sessions and will need to be motivated to improve their writing skills.
- Only 6 places are available at this stage: priority will be based on suitability for the program (year level/commitment/current skillset) then on a first-in basis.
Please contact Lucy Mow for more information: 0417 580 473 or email
(weekend camp)Friday 4th November to Sunday 6th November 2022 at Camp Getaway
Dear Principal / Coordinator,
This letter outlines an opportunity for students in year 9, 10 or 11 and aged 15 to 17 to attend a Youth Program of Enrichment. This opportunity is NOT aimed at students who are already leaders and achieving amazing things, but is designed for those students who just need a bit of a push and a confidence boost to start achieving at their full potential.
Through RYPEN students will begin developing skills in:
- Resilience
- Communication skills
- Leadership fundamentals and ethics
- Goal Setting
- Teamwork
- Forming and defining their own values
- Trust
- Community
and Global Citizenship
- Problem solving
- Conflict management
- Taking initiative
The key outcomes of RYPEN align with the Personal and Social General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum. Students are encouraged to: learn to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively.
RYPEN provides an experience of ideas, problems and social experiences which will assist your selected students to form their own values and moral standards and allow them to broaden their horizons culturally, socially and academically.
‘Challenge by choice’ is an important and integral aspect of the program experience.
Students are free to discuss and interpret what they experience with each other as well as with the mentoring Supporters and Rotarians involved in running the camp.
It is very important that students understand they need to willingly participate to gain maximum benefit from the experience. The students attending the Camp also need to be aware that they will be involved in a number of physical exercises both indoors and outdoors.
The program is FREE (all costs and transport to and from the camp are provided by the sponsoring Rotary or Rotaract Club).
Application process:
- Students/carers MUST complete the online application and medical form at
- Carers MUST sign the consent form attached to the Student/Carer Information Pack and email a copy to
- The District RYPEN committee will process the application and notify the Sponsoring Rotary Club for approval.
- The Sponsoring Rotary Club will contact the student and carer to confirm participation and arrange transport.
The above 4 steps must occur by 19th October 2022
Information required:
The student/carer completing the application will need to know the name, phone number and email address of the representative of the Sponsoring Rotary Club (sender of this email) and the student’s full medical details.
Should you require any further information about RYPEN or the application process please do not hesitate to contact the RYPEN committee
Kind Regards,
Suzanne Zammit
0420 926 826
RYPEN Committee District 9800Email: