Principal's message

Our focus on improving the teaching and learning at CSC has continued throughout Term 3. We are continuing to focus on the introduction phase of our School-Wide Instructional Model (SWIM), which has a specific focus on all teachers displaying learning intentions and success criteria for every single lesson. Developing consistency between classrooms will allow all students to access information in a consistent manner. To assist this focus, we have started installing small whiteboards in all learning spaces that will provide a specific space for learning intentions and success criteria to be written. During Term 4 we also will have SWIM posters displayed in all learning spaces across the college. Our SWIM will provide a very clear and consistent framework for teaching and learning across the college.
A significant highlight from Term 3 was the wide range of extra-curricular activities that students participated in. There were numerous Outdoor Education trips, sporting events, subject based excursions and year level camps, this demonstrating the highly committed staff that we have at CSC. These valuable experiences allow students to learn outside the classroom, whilst fostering stronger peer and staff relationships. I extend my sincere gratitude to all staff and students who attended these activities.
Overall student attendance has improved significantly in 2022, in comparison to the periods of on-site attendance over the past two years. We are unable to provide accurate year-to-date comparisons to pre-Covid years, however we anticipate that average days absent per student for 2022 will be slightly higher than the data for 2019. Overall, I believe this is a great shared effort, between students, families and mentor teachers, particularly considering the strict Covid guidelines that have affected attendance during the year.
Ben Adams (Reception) and Venesha Wray (Calm Learning Space) finished their employment at CSC on the last day of term 3. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Venesha and Ben for their professionalism during their time at CSC. Both approached their work with a student-centred approach, and always displayed our College values to exemplary levels. We have appointed Missy McCarthy to the Calm Learning Space position, and we will appoint a Receptionist during Term 4
Leading into the 2023 Step-Up Program, there will be two student free days.
Common Professional Practice Day (Thursday 17 November) - For Semester 2, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day. This is a student free day.
Report Writing Day (Friday 18 November) - this will be a student free day to allow the Term 4 Reports to be written.
2023 Step-Up (Monday 21 November - Friday 2 December)
Students in Year 8-12 (2023) are expected to attend the entire 2 weeks of Step-Up, as students will begin their classes for 2023. During this program students will undertake an assessment task in the majority of subjects, which will contribute to their 2023 reports.
Awards Ceremonies (Friday 2 December)
This year we will be trialling a new format to recognise student achievement. In previous years the Awards Ceremony, whilst being successful and well attended by students that received awards and their families, we feel that this was not inclusive of our entire student community. Therefore, this year we will be holding the event during the last week of classes. This will allow all students to be involved in the event, promoting academic achievement and success across the college.
The Awards Ceremonies will be held on Friday 2 December at Castlemaine Secondary College, in the school gymnasium. We will hold one ceremony for students in Year 7-9 (anticipated time of 10am - 11am), and a separate ceremony for students in Years 10 - 12 (anticipated time of 12pm - 1pm). Sponsors, community and family members will be invited to attend these on-site events. More information will be distributed to students and families during Term 4.
Community Connection Week (Monday 5 - Friday 9 December)
During this week a range of engaging activities will be developed by Learning Area Teams with a focus of fostering positive relationships and supporting community organisations. It is expected that all students from Year 7-9 attend this week, providing alternative learning opportunities for students. During the first few weeks of Term 4 more specific information will be distributed to students and their families. This will be a great opportunity for students to learn and connect with external entities, demonstrating that great learning can also occur outside the confines of the classroom.
Activities Weeks (Monday 12 - Friday 12 December)
A range of activities will be offered during the week, with students being able to select options of their choice.
College Clean-Up (Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 December)
Students will assist in cleaning-up the physical environment in and around the College in preparation for the summer break. Once the clean-up is completed a range of activities will be offered to students.
Justin Hird
Mobile Phone Policy 2022-2024 Update
As many students and families are already aware, mobile phones are not permitted to be used at Castlemaine Secondary College. This is in line with Department of Education and Training Policy issued by the Minister for Education.
As required, the Mobile Phone Policy was recently reviewed by College Council and we would like to ensure that all parents, carers and students are aware of important and significant updates in the policy. You can access and are advised to read the full policy on our website:
Important considerations and updates that have been included in the update are:
- Wearable watches that have mobile capabilities are now included and defined as a mobile phone
- Devices are to be switched off and securely stored in student lockers during school hours (students must supply their own locks)
Breach of the mobile phone policy now also includes but not limited to:
- Students using their phone or in possession of a phone
- using a mobile phone to play music and listening through bluetooth devices eg; airpods
- all headphones (including ear buds, airpods etc) are also considered a prohibited item. Students found using these devices will be considered to be using their phone and will be asked to take their phone to the College’s Library.
- students may use headphones (including earbuds, airpods etc) connected to their laptop / device during class time if they have permission from their teacher. They are not to be used during recess and lunch.
Students in breach of the mobile phone policy during school hours will be required to take their phone to the library. Once the phone has been submitted students will be issued with a receipt. Phones can be collected at the completion of the school day. If a student receives 2 incidents in one term, their parent / carer will be required to collect the phone from the College’s reception.
All subsequent phone incidents in the same term will also result in the phone being taken to the College’s Reception for parent / carer collection. Students failing to comply with submitting their phone to the library, will be formally suspended, either internally or externally.
There are exceptions to this policy and available in the full policy on our website.
As always, students have access to their mentors, precinct managers and leaders and the front office staff who can provide telephone access if they have a need to contact parents/carers or employers if required.
We understand that this may present some challenges for parents/cares and students alike. However as leaders at Castlemaine Secondary College we also would like to acknowledge the significance of this policy in improving student focus and learning within the classroom and in attempting to mitigate possible consequences of inappropriate mobile phone use. We ask your consideration and support in ensuring a collaborative understanding and implementation of the mobile phone policy at Castlemaine Secondary College.
Martin Mielimaka
Assistant Principal