Aboriginal Education

Basket Weaving

Our wonderful parent Pennie, has continued basket weaving with our Stage 3 students on Wednesdays. A big thankyou to Pennie for leading this fantastic activity and teaching us all about Aboriginal culture!



The 2022 theme for NAIDOC Week  is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! which advocates for systemic change and for every person to keep rallying around our mob, our Elders, our communities. It’s also time to celebrate the many who have driven and led change in our communities over generations—they have been the heroes and champions of change, of equal rights and even basic human rights.

We had such a wonderful time celebrating NAIDOC Week in Week 1 with Uncle Richard Campbell from Gumaraa Aboriginal Experience. Students loved being a part of the smoking ceremony and listening to the welcome to country as well as didgeridoo.

A big thank you to all of our parents and carers who joined us for the fun today as well!


As part of our celebrations throughout the week, students participated in a range of activities with their classes including: weaving, making artworks and learning all about significant First Nations people, the meaning behind this year’s theme and poster, foods incorporating native flora and Dreaming stories.


Supporting Aboriginal Students 

Supporting Aboriginal students (nsw.gov.au)



Sleep stories from First Nations storytellers

"We sleep and dream on First Nations lands. We acknowledge all First Peoples and celebrate their enduring connections to Country and stories. We thank Elders and Ancestors who watch over us and guide our communities".

Listen at: dreamysleep.com.au


Aboriginal Significant Dates Calendar

Aboriginal Significant Dates Calendar (nsw.gov.au)