
Mid-South PSSA Legends Paul McGregor & Road Wishart Shield NRL Gala Day

Brrrr what a wet and cold gala day it was! Who knew the weather could change so quick! On Tuesday 23 August, 16 students attended the NRL gala day versing all different schools around our area. We entered 2 teams into the competition (a 3/4 team and a 5/6 team), where each team had planned to play 3 games. 


Both our teams performed excellently under the circumstances. After our students participated in the 'Rugby League safe tackle and landing clinic' they were ready to showcase their newly learnt skills while demonstrating team spirit within our Windang teams! 


The 3/4 boys team won both of their games - set for the final (if the weather held off). Our 5/6 team also showed great teamwork skills and determination with some excellent field goals and passing skills, although we were not victorious, they still had so much fun under the circumstances. 


As well as our lone ranger Immy W, being lucky enough to join the Shellharbour team performing her best given the extreme weather! Well done Windang, again we shine through with our determination and team spirit for sport. 


 I wonder if you can see how quickly the weather changed in these photos...

Regional Athletics Carnival

On Friday 2 September Fleur B and Immy W participated at the Regional Athletics Carnival in the 800m track event in Canberra. Both girls performed at their best and we are so incredibly proud of them both. Unfortunately they did not advance to the next level but they should be very proud of themselves for making to the Regional Athletics Carnival - representing Windang! Well done girls. 

Primary State Rugby 7’s

A special congratulations to our wonderful student Immy W for competing in the Primary State Rugby 7s competition on 5 and 6 August. How incredible that she made it onto the cover of Aussie Rugby Action magazine...! We are so proud of you Immy. You are a superstar!


Keep up the great work Windang!!


Miss Rogers 

Sport Coordinator