From the Principal's Desk

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Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 9


We are saddened by the news of the death of her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II. Her loss will be felt across Australia, Great Britain and the Commonwealth Nations in particular.  A remarkable monarch, she has been described as a person of utmost kindness, dignity, devotion, respect, and duty. She exemplified dedication, perseverance and service in her roles. These are all character traits that we can aspire to. Her words have been an inspiration to many.


“It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.” – Christmas Broadcast in 2019


“I have drawn great comfort and inspiration from the relentless enthusiasm of people of all ages – especially the young – in calling for everyone to play their part.” – Official Statement ahead of the COP26 (United Nations Conference on Climate Change).


As we go into this week, I hope we can pay tribute to her life and reign by drawing on her wisdom in the small steps we take and the part we can play in bringing about lasting and worthy change.


Book Week

Thank you to Ms Papesch and Miss Kemp who coordinated a brilliant week of learning for our students aligned to the book week theme of “Dreaming with Eyes Open”! Thank you to all our teachers and staff for their  enthusiasm and excitement in dressing up thus making Book Week even more special for our fabulous students.  And of course, thank you to all our parents for coordinating your children's book week costumes. It certainly was a book week parade to remember. 


School Administration and Support Staff (SASS) Appreciation Week 

Last week we celebrated and said thank you to our wonderful SAS staff for their valuable work. Our SAS staff work in the office, classrooms, and, maintain and care for our school grounds and buildings. 


I work closely with them across a variety of roles and observe the contributions they make to the running of the school, and the direct impact they have on student learning and overall student wellbeing. I appreciate their work – and I know the students show their thanks in numerous ways. They are highly motivated, caring and committed to our students, staff and school. 


NAPLAN - Year 3 & Year 5 Students

Last week, we sent home the National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results for students in Years 3 and 5.


Please take the time to read this assessment and acknowledge the progress and achievements that your child has made. This assessment provides each student and their family information regarding their achievement in various strands of Literacy and Numeracy. There is a comprehensive explanation included in each package. This provides some very important information at an individual, group and whole school level. 


The teachers and I use the NAPLAN results to simply value-add to our already robust understanding of each student's academic ability. NAPLAN is a snapshot in time and compared and contrasted to our internal data. As a result, it can provide an excellent opportunity to ensure we are capturing students who require additional support and those who would benefit from enrichment and extension opportunities. 


Check In Assessment - Year 6

Students in Year 6 will participate in the Check-in assessment. The Check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online literacy and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor student learning. The assessment will supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy, and to help teachers tailor teaching more specifically to student needs. 


Kindergarten 2023 

Due to the public holiday on Thursday 22 September to commemorate the late Queen Elizabeth II, the "Meet & Greet" session will be postponed for early Term Four.  Further information will be shared shortly. 


80th Anniversary Working Party Meeting

The next 80th Working Party meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 September from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. All members are encouraged to attend as there is much to discuss and delegate in preparation for Friday 4 November, 2022! 


P&C Meeting

The next P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 September at 6pm. All families are encouraged to attend; it's a fabulous way to learn about all the wonderful events and programs offered at our school. 



SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 9am to 12noon

A light lunch will be provided for all volunteers.

Please bring your gardening gloves and be ready for mulching, weeding, pruning, planting and watering! If convenient please bring your wheelbarrow as the school only has two. 


Wishing all students, staff and families a safe and restful upcoming break. 


All students and staff return to school on Monday 10 October, 2022. 


Loreta Kocovska


Windang Public School