HCC News & Announcement

Bookweek Arrives at HCC - Week 7 (22 to 26 August)

Hear some “Heatherton Celebrities” read to you in the library during recess and lunchtime each day.  


Come to school dressed up as your favourite book character on Tuesday 23 August (remember to bring a copy of the book too!) and enjoy all our other creative and calming book-centered events which celebrate the joy and benefits of reading. No gold coin donation is required for dress-up.

Year 10 Mission Trip: YWAM Youth Adventures

Year 10 Students will be heading to Townsville to participate in the YWAM "Youth Adventures" program.


This is an exciting time and has greatly blessed the students and the outreach communities visited over the years.


Phase One is a time to disconnect in order to connect - a time to connect with God and to prepare our hearts and minds for serving others with purpose.


Phase Two is a time to travel to and live amidst our outreach communities and to put loving, serving into action - showing and sharing the Gospel.


Could I please ask you to have the whole team (school and YWAM) in your prayers? As many will know, our last trip was interrupted by Covid, and while God is bigger than all of that, we'd ask you to pray for the health and faith of the whole team. 


Why pray? Because prayer partners with God to change things according to His will. Let us pray. Amen.


You may also like to support the College Captain's Mission Fundraising Dinner, coming up on Friday 26 August (please RSVP by tomorrow Friday 19 August).  The money raised will be focused on the communities we visit. If you want to know more, please contact the College office. Also, contact the office if you can't make the dinner but would still like to donate towards the cause. Thank you and bless you.


Darren John

Head of Secondary

New Uniform Items

From 1 December, the following items will be available at Buxwear, our uniform supplier, as an alternative summer uniform for girls from Prep – Year 12. 


The shorts and top are to be worn with white ankle socks and black school shoes. Please check the Buxwear website (click here) or contact the store for pricing, closer to 1 December. 

Buxwear Dandenong details:

8/169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong 3175

Phone: (03) 9792 0424

Email: info@buxwear.com.au

Office Hours: 

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday: 9:30am - 2:00pm

Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed

Chess Mates