Learning and Teaching

Welcome to Science Week at St Louis de Montfort's!

National Science Week is being celebrated around Australia from 13-21 August, 2022. It is an annual event that highlights science and technology. This week all of our classes have been questioning, investigating, experimenting and discovering.  'Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding' - Brian Greene. 


Our Year 2 - 6 classes have all ventured to Science works to explore the many different exhibitions and displays that are on offer. Our students were engaged and excited. Many have spoken about their sprint against Cathy Freeman, engaging in the wheel chair race


Many of our classes explored the effects of temperature on solids, liquids and gases using super-cool liquid nitrogen. Changes of state, expansion and contraction were all demonstrated using lots of fog, froth and fun. Many of our students were able to describe what happened.

On Thursday our Year 5 and 6 girls went to a 'Go Girl. Go For It!' day which was organised by Deakin University. The concept behind this event was to inspire and excite our girls to enter into further studies in the STEM subject areas. Back at school engaging rotational activities were designed for our boys which included the launch of rockets, a frisbee throwing competition, designing paper planes to travel a distance, virtual animation and a spaghetti and marshmellow challenge.

Our Preps and Year One students have also been involved in the Science process. Experiment using skittles, exploration of mammals and investigating the attributes of a scientist.


Learning is so exciting in our community!