Religious Education

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.                                                                                     Marylene Douglas

This week saw the most welcome return of our Weekday Class Masses. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, we were unable to celebrate these events for the past two years but on Thursday, Year 2GL and 2CA saw an end to that.

The students had spent weeks preparing for their special liturgical celebration, practising readings and songs, listening to the scriptures and creating amazing artwork related to the theme of the mass where Jesus welcomes everyone.

In Thursday's readings, students learnt about the invitation God has for all of us. This invitation welcomes all people into His family if we are willing to believe and are open to the opportunities it provides. Jesus uses the parable of the wedding feast to describe another way of thinking about God’s heavenly kingdom. He compares it to being invited to a special party. We can participate in the celebration and also spread the word to invite others to join in. 

The students in Year 2 brought a candle to the altar, to show how it illuminates the path of our faith journey.

They brought forth an invitation to represent the opportunity we are given to become a part of God’s family as well as a party hat to show that each of us is invited to say YES to participating in our faith each day.

Finally they brought forward a collage representing party foods from around the world showing the diverse cultures God’s family encompasses.

It was a really beautiful celebration, the children did an amazing job preparing for their class mass and a big thank-you to their families for coming to mass to celebrate with them. It was definitely a spirit-filled occasion. Probably the biggest hit of all was the party afterwards. 

Thank-you to their teachers Mrs Allenby and Mr L, for the time spent in preparation to make their class mass a special celebration. 

Over the next few weeks we welcome the other Year 2 classes and the Year 5 classes to celebrate their  Weekday Mass with their families. Invitations to these liturgies will be sent home shortly. 

And as Jesus reminds us: Everyone is Welcome!


Tues 23rd August- 2ET and 2BK Class Mass 9.15am

Tues 23rd August- Father Andrew's Silver Jubilee (25th Anniversary of being a priest)

Wed 24th August- Year 1 Baptism Night -1RC & 1GW 5pm, 1ES & 1JC 6.30pm

Sat 27th/Sun 28th Aug- Year 1 Level Masses

Friday 2nd September - Father's Day and Special Friends Breakfast

Sunday 4th September- Father's Day

Tues 6th September- 5CP and 5DM Class Mass 9.15am

Thurs 8th September 5MO and 5BE Class Mass 9.15am