Principal's News 

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

Good afternoon families,


I hope you have all had a good week as it has been a very busy and exciting week .

Congratulations to Father Andrew who celebrates his 25 years as a priest. We are so lucky to have Father Andrew as our Parish Priest and wish him all the best for the next 25 years.


Congratulations to our Yr 6 Girls T- ball team for winning the Southern Metropolitan Regional Championship. Overcoming the favourites Overport 12-11 with one inning to spare. Onto State Championships on 7 September. Thank you to Super Coach Geoff Laughlin and Assistant Super Coach Mr Thomson Wood.


Aladdin - School musical

Whole School Production- Monday October 24 - Thursday October 26 at the Frankston Arts Centre.

Aladdin is the whole school musical this year. All students will be performing and parents have been notified of the night each grade from Prep to Year Six will be on stage. 


Special Lunch Days               

12 September Footy Day - pies and hot dogs 


Book Week - Dreaming With Eyes Open 

Book Week is Monday 20- 26 August. Please refer to the Book Week Celebrations page for information about the Book Parade and other activities.


Father Day's stall and breakfast

We will be celebrating Father's Day on Friday 2 September starting at 7 am. All fathers are invited and if a dad cannot attend then please bring along a special friend. You will need to book your breakfast if attending.

The Father's Day stall will be on Wednesday 31 August. It will start at 9am and all classes will have time to go and purchase a present. There will be a $10 limit.


Science Week

Science Week has been a fantastic experience for all classes. Sciencework was a wonderful experience for the year levels that attended. Thank you so much for all the parent helpers who went along and support the students and teachers.


Reminder of School Closure Day 

School closure day Friday 26 August 


Yr 2CA & 2GL class mass

The Yr 2 classes celebrated a level mass on Thursday and so many parents and grandparents attended and enjoyed the mass and morning tea. Thank you to Father Andrew and Mrs Allenby and Mr Lithothomas


Go Girls excursion 

Yr 5 & 6 ICT Go Girls, was an event at Deakin University focused on promoting STEM pathways for girls. Read more about it in the Learning & Teaching page.


Enjoy your weekend 

Carmel Stutterd