Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang,

This weeks edition of the Leadership Centre news is brought to you by students of 5/6B!


Reading: Heroes, Rebels and Innovators

Last week in reading we had been focusing on the book Heroes, Rebels and Innovators. This book captures the lives and achievements of seven iconic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people during the early contact era.

Some of the names of the stories in the book include: Patyegarang, Bungaree, Tarenorerer, Yarri and Jacky Jacky. When reading these stories students explored the perspectives of various people both in and out of the text. These people have an inspiring story that will be known forever.


This week also happened to be Book Week. The theme for the week was “Dreaming with eyes open…” It was amazing to see all the creative and unique costumes worn by the students and all the teachers as “Where’s Wally?” 

We look forward to extending our Book Week celebrations this week with children’s author Michael Wagner coming to our school to teach us about how to write books and tell us his journey through writing and publishing.


By Zoe and Ava

Wellbeing: Respecting our cultures

Last week in the Leadership centre, we had a change in the structure of our Wellbeing lessons. As part of their role, the Health and Wellbeing Leadership team decided to take action and designed a lesson to teach to students across the year level based on some immediate concerns they identified. The lesson mainly talked about maintaining respectful relationships and thinking before you make a joke about someone else's culture, nationality, background or religion. We had students pair up with someone with a completely different background and they discussed their cultural celebrations, food and traditional clothing. After that they drew their partner's culture and background on a piece of paper with a black and white gingerbread man.


By Holly and Clara

Writing: Information Reports

This week saw the continuation of students completing their Information Reports in Writing. “The Journey to Discovery” topic has seen students write about space or about important events and discoveries that have changed humanity. This week the students got the opportunity to visit the library in the Junior building which was a great highlight for them and an important part of their research - students have been looking to use a wide range of resources in finding information about their respective topics and we look forward to seeing their finalised reports.


By Sukriti and Adella


Speaking and Listening:

This week a number of 5/6 students as well the SRC reps from each class got the opportunity to participate in an incursion learning all about how to conduct a podcast. Students were able to use both headsets and microphones during the incursion as well as how to plan and set out a podcast. Stay tuned for what could be an MPRPS' first official school podcast...!


  • Tissue Box donations would be greatly appreciated
  • Hoop Time excursion - Wed 31st Aug
  • Disco Friday

Pupil of the Week



5/6B: Clara Y

For demonstrating the character strengths of perspective and social intelligence when discussing the perspectives and ideas represented in the Heroes, Rebels and Innovators text. You have engaged in thinking outside the text and demonstrated a cultural awareness that represents the themes evident in the text. Well done Clara.


5/6C: Brock W

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance in your Maths Post Assessment tasks. You have worked hard and made excellent growth in maths topics covered so far this term. Keep up the awesome work, Brock! 


5/6D: Alya K

Well done on using your growth mindset to challenge and extend yourself in Maths when developing your understanding of the cartesian plane. Keep taking positive risks in your learning Alya! 


5/6EB: Nadar B - 

For demonstrating perseverance and love of learning in all areas, especially when writing your Information report on the Statue of Liberty. It has been great Nadar to see you so happy this year! Your positive mindset has allowed you to be fully engaged in your learning and this was evident in the interesting yet pleasing to eye infographic you published. Well done!


5/6W: Talya S -

For demonstrating the character strength of perspective when responding to stories from Heroes, Rebels and Innovators. You carefully considered character's point of view and supported your claims with textual evidence and prior knowledge. Excellent work, Talya!