Community Noticeboard

Parish Talk at QoP

As many of you may know, Child Protection Week is the 4 - 10 September.  We are inviting speakers from the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans.(ACRATH)

Open discussions will be carried out around an Introduction to ACRATH.  A look at what Human Trafficking and modern slavery looks like around the world and here in Australia.

An introduction to Talitha Kum and looking at discussions around forced marriage.  We look forward to seeing you there:

When: Wednesday 7 September 2022

Where: QoP School Staffroom

Time: 7pm – 9pm includes supper

Cost: Free (you may wish to make a personal donation)**Resources available

**Register your attendance for catering purposes: please call the Parish Office on 9369 6877 and leave your name, number of people attending and best contact number.

Kind regards,

Franca Zannoni

Parish Safeguarding Officer and Mission/Alpha Co-ordinator

New Fun Run in Wyndham Vale

If you feel like getting fit here is a local fun run coming up. Proceeds go to the Black Dog Institute.  For details, click HERE.

Junior Softball Program

The Hawks Fastpitch Softball Club in Werribee will be running a 6-week Home Run Heroes program this term beginning Saturday 3 September.  Home Run Heroes is Softball Australia’s new Junior Participation program. Home run Heroes (Sidekicks) for 4-7 year old’s and Home Run Heroes (Superheroes) for 7-10 year olds.  A flyer for the Home Run Heroes program and a club flyer is attached with all the information.

Free Art Sessions for Kids

Link Here for more information.