
Year 2/3 Science
The 2/3s have been learning about mixtures in Science this term. As part of their Chemistry unit, they had to figure out which type of soap would make the best bubbles, dishwashing detergent, shampoo or bubble bath.
Writing from the students:
“The dishwashing liquid made the best bubbles. My hypothesis was wrong because I could not blow bubbles with the bubble bath mixture” – Charlotte
“The dishwashing liquid made the best bubbles. My hypothesis was correct” – Tayler
“It did make big bubbles! For me the best bubbles were from the bubble bath” – Layton
“The shampoo made the best bubbles for me.” – Chloe
Year 4/5/6 Camp to
Sovereign Hill
There were 16 very excited students turn up for camp with enough luggage to go on a 3 week vacation! The first stop was the Eureka Museum where the students were given an overview of the history of the Eureka rebellion.
They were very excited to view the original Eureka flag and realise how large it actually was and to see that much of the flag had been souvenired. After reading the book “The Night they made the Flag” the students were keen to find the ‘W’ that was drawn on the flag and had a mature conversation with the guide about whether it was a ‘W’ or an ‘M’.
We next went to the old Ballaarat Cemetery, where a local historian, Marion Littlejohn gave us a very wet tour. We were able to see the graves of famous characters from the Ballaarat goldfields and learn interesting facts that you can’t read in history books.
During our time at the ‘Ragged’ school the children were fully immersed into the lifestyle of an 1850s child on the goldfields. As they were portraying children from the poorer families they were able to try some trades such as sewing, plaiting straw, mucking out stables and cleaning saddles. Many of the children had a hard time remembering that in those days, children were seen but not heard.
The sound and light show, Aura included a 3D film on the creation of gold millions of years a go, a light show about Aboriginal Dreamtime projected onto the landscape and ended up with a spectacular show depicting the Eureka Rebellion.
We were all well fed and but exhausted when we got home after walking up and down the hills of main street for the 2 days.
Years F-3 Late Night and Overnight Stay
Last Thursday the F-3 students remained at school to participate in a late night stay. Following some fun activities and games, the Year F-1 students went home after tea and the Years 2-3 camped overnight at school in their classroom.
The Year 2 and 3 students reflected on their experience:
Chloe: We tried to sleep but we were too pumped up.
Suzen: The best part was the disco.
Alex: I loved playing the games.
Jackson: It was very tiring!
Charlotte: I loved the ice-cream with sprinkles.
Poppy: We got lots of food.
Eliza: It was hard to get to sleep.
Tayler: I loved playing the chocolate game. It was hard to eat chocolate with gloves on.
Layton: The girls were so annoying.
Caleb: I didn’t get to sleep until 2 o’clock!
A very big thanks to everyone who helped out on the evening, especially Mrs Hausler and Mr Haack who were brave enough to camp with the students!!