General School News

Book Week
Well done to everyone and their efforts for book week this year! All of the students made a fantastic effort to dress up and get involved in the activities for the day. It was wonderful to see some creative costumes this year. Unfortunately, due to wet weather, we were not able to walk down to the Elsie Bennett centre to visit the residents. There is a video of the costume parade available on the College Youtube and Facebook page. Well done again to all.
Miss Pearson
Colouring competition winners
F-1: Harry Kelly
2-3: Suzen Musa
4-6: Adelle Jourbert
Secondary: Layla Linto
Book Week Costume winners
F/1: William Altmann and Zoe Hartas
2/3: Jackson Stuart and Eliza Smith
4/5/6: Maizy Bentley and Bailey Hartas
DIY Master: Finn Stuart
Most Accurate: Hadley Domaschenz
Most Elaborate: Caleb Henderson