Learning News

Learning News

Week 1 -Learning News

Our last term of 2022 has started with a bang, with lots of learning opportunities across our classrooms.  Our new writing groups started this week, with students from K-6 looking at the features of an information report with a focus on punctuation.  Our older students have been learning the place of quotation marks in factual texts to report direct quotes from experts and our younger students the importance of capitals and fullstops - which never go out of fashion no matter what year you are in!  We are looking forward to seeing some of the work samples from our groups over the next few weeks.



Kindergarten has had a fantastic start to term 4! We enjoyed welcoming Miss Maunder to our class and worked on settling back into our learning routine after the holidays.  During the literacy block, Kindergarten students learned to story map and retell a story using the comprehension strategy, ‘Summer the Squirrel’. This week we storymapped the picturebook, Crunch the Crocodile by Josephine Croser. We learned fun songs about Crocodiles, noticed descriptive vocabulary in the storybook and made our own puppets!

Great work Kindergarten Miss Fraser & Miss Maunder


Stage 1

This week, Stage 1 have been learning about the fractions halves and quarters and how to write the notation ½ and ¼. They learned that a fraction is when a whole has been split into equal parts. The students explored fractions by finding out how many different ways they could fold a piece of paper into halves and quarters. They also had to look carefully at various shapes to decide if they had been split into halves and quarters.     


Stage 2

This week in Science, Stage 2 have been learning about what makes something living. We identified that in order for something to be living it needs nutrients (sunlight, oxygen, food and water) and the ability to grow. In this lesson, the students observed pictures of a range of animals and how they changed over their life. They then used these pictures to create a lifecycle to show what they had learnt. Well Done Stage 2! Miss McDonald and Mr Beaumont.


Stage 3

To start the last term of 2022, Stage 3 have been writing information reports on a variety of animals. During writing groups, some student had the opportunity to research their own animal, while others were given a certain animal or category of animal. Students have enjoyed experimenting with sizzling starts in order to engage the reader with their writing as well as sharing their fun facts with their classmates. 


Cathy Shepherd

Assistant Principal - LOP






Stage 1




Stage 2

by Maci and Eloise
by Maci and Eloise

Sea Turtles by Maci & Eloise

by Josie and Pauline
by Josie and Pauline


Stage 3