Anchorage House News

Quiz Night

I hope you all enjoyed the closed weekend as a time to connect and refresh away from boarding and school. Term Three can be a hard slog with the wintery weather, fierce participation in winter sports and the inevitable coughs and colds. The boarders came together recently for a fun quiz night event. Appreciation must go to Craig Wiech, Ronald Williams, Louis Ford, Matt Cant, Tyler Germain, Fraser King, Patrick Buckenara, Archie Atkinson, Jack Hornby, Austin Brown and Zane Cairns who worked hard to help set up the hall for the evening. It was fantastic to see the effort the Anchorage boys put into dressing up in team colours and participate with enthusiasm. We are looking forward to putting together some more fun events for boarding.


The boys are very keen on their winter sport participation outside of school. I thought I would share with you how some of them are going.

  • Louis Ford plays soccer for the Griffins and Under 13s Gold. He plays left wing and striker. He is pretty chuffed about scoring a header this past weekend.
  • Lucas Smart has tried out volleyball this year. Lucas is new to volleyball as this is not a sport available in Gairdner River where he is from. He has embraced this opportunity with enthusiasm, developing his skills. 
  • Craig Wiech plays hockey for the Griffins Blue team. He is playing forward at the moment. Craig’s highlight is scoring his first goal. His team is placed third on the ladder.
  • Thomas Robertson plays football for the Saints in the forward line. The season began with his team losing most of their games and turned around to where they are now winning most of their games. Winning his last two games has been particularly exciting, as the Saints worked well together to beat the top two teams.
  • Fraser King is a Swan’s half back. His football team are doing well as they are second on the ladder. Fraser loved the game against the Cats as it was an exciting finish. The Saints won by ten points by scoring a goal after the siren.


Birthday wishes to Craig Wiech, Henry Smith and Fraser King who have recently celebrated their birthdays.


Ms Anne Robertson | Head of Anchorage House

Leaders Report

Quiz night this year was a lot of fun. We all got dressed up in our table colours and had a good night.  Here are some comments from Fraser King, Lucas Smart, Archie Atkinson, and Ms Robertson

  • “The atmosphere was ecstatic!” 
  • "The energy was unstoppable. It was a colourful quiz night dinner, we had some chicken nuggets and a lot of fun”. 
  • "The pink team won, however dark blue they could’ve won if they had more team members"
  • “It was pretty good, and very colourful!” 
  • “I quite liked the Mountain Dew.” 
  • “Ronald, Zane, and the Yalari crew made some good ice creams!” 
  • “The best dressed was exciting, Austin and Berkley’s slow dance was the highlight of my night.” 

Craig was disappointed that he was only one of three people that turned up to the red table, “It was very disappointing, we had no knowledge” Craig said. The upside of only having three people on your table was that they had more chicken nuggets! 

As you can see from the photos, Anchorage had lots of fun dressing up in team colours and participating in a lots of fun.  


Austin Brown | Year Nine