College Chaplain

Fr Cyprian


As we all know, our principal Mr Alan Le Brocque, of 15 years, will soon bow out into retirement. I was privileged to be part of the minisend-forth ceremonies organised for him by Marian college. One thing for me stood out; there were repetitions, a collective agreement that "he was a wise and approachable man, who keenly sought the progress and educational wellbeing of the other. Maybe, these qualities spurned him on and endeared him to the students, the staff and the entire school projects he embarked on during his time. And during those 15 years of service in love and dedication, we all witnessed and heard the marvellous transformation of Marian College, the daily enthusiasms, hopes and aspirations of the staff and teachers, the eagerness of the student to participate in the school programmes, to grow in their formation and knowledge. 


There was a receptive spirit of inclusiveness and respect for individuals among teachers, staff, and students. All these, to me, seemed possible because of the space, approachability and interactions between staff, teachers and students created by Mr Alan Le Brocque, where everyone is encouraged and helped to excel. So, we give THANKS.


Christ taught us to be grateful, to show Gratitude to God and others.The Gospel records provide insight not only into the prayer life of theLord Jesus but into His "praise life." The Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief was constantly thanking His Father. His thirty-three and a half years were spent considering the joy before Him (Hebrews 12:2) and the joys that were all around Him. (I am sure Mr Alan Le Brocque too will have plenty of time to reflect on his years in the education sector but more so the 15 years he has spent in Marian) He appreciated those who ministered to His physical needs and those who offered Him worship. Jesus rejoiced in spirit when the seventy-two disciples returned with the success of their mission, and in an instant, He gave thanks (Luke 10:17-23). Of course, true thanksgivingis always reserved for the One who was worthy of it; God Himself. Again and again, our Lord gave thanks to His Father.


 Peter tells us that we are to follow in the steps of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21). To followHis steps is to follow His example of Gratitude. Leslie Flynn once wrote that Christ is not only the goal of our Gratitude but the guide ofit. In his letter to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 2:14), St Paul said,"thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge ofhim everywhere."Gratitude, as we know, is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulnessfor blessings or benefits we have received. The more we cultivate thespirit of Gratitude, the more likely we are to be happy and spirituallystrong. The Lord has promised, “He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious” (Doctrine and Covenants 78:19). Gratitude is an uplifting, exalting attitude. People are generally happier when they have Gratitude in their hearts. We cannot be bitter, resentful, or mean-spirited when grateful. Therefore, we should bethankful for the beautiful blessings that are ours in Mr Alan LeBrocque and for the tremendous opportunities He has been able tocreate. And we should regularly express our Gratitude to God for the blessings He gives to us, but not just to God, to others as well, for allowing God to use them to do kind acts for us. So, we thank God for 


Mr Alan Le Broque, who did not bury his talent and wisdom but used it well for the growth of others and, more importantly, the development of God’s kingdom. We thank God for the examples and leadership qualities he has shown us. For his dedication to Marian college and his manner and grace, he had carried out his duties diligently. We are grateful to you, Mr Alan Le Brocque, for all the growth and achievement that Marian College has experienced and attained. As you turn another page in your life, may the Good Lord, who strengthened and sustained you, continue to bless and protect you.

Pray for us as we pray for you.