Year Five
Information Reports
In Year 5 this term students learning has been focused on information reports. The students were given the opportunity to choose a topic of interest for them and complete research on this topic to share a passion of theirs with their peers, teachers and parents. Students learnt some new research techniques, how to paraphrase and how to reference. Students created a draft in their books then published their reports either on a poster or book creator.
Here are some examples of student's information reports
Sunflowers are a significant plant in our environment. There are a variety of different sunflowers which all have yellow petals. They are known as one of the tallest growing plants.
Schweinitz’s Sunflower
The Schweinitz’s sunflower is one of the rarest species in America. The plant was named after a botanist, Lewis David von Schweinitz. He discovered it in the early 1800s. The Schweinitz’s sunflower usually grows to about 6.5 feet but the tallest is 16 feet tall. The flower blooms late from August to December in America but in Australia they grow from early January until March. The Schweinitz’s sunflower is considered quite small. It has yellow disk flowers at the centre portion and yellow ray flowers which are petals.
Dwarf Sunflower
A Dwarf sunflower is a common type of sunflower. Many people view it as a charming species of sunflower. The Dwarf Sunflower needs a lot of care. They should be watered everyday with at least seven litres of water. The flower does not grow properly in winter due to frost. A dwarf sunflower blooms 50 to 60 days after it has been planted in the soil. The plant grows 1 to 3 feet tall.
Marine Animals
There are many different species of animals to discover. Marine animals are very important to the environment.
Sea Stars
Sea stars are animals found in shallow water. They come in many different shapes and sized. They eat sea urchins, crabs and snails. Sea stars can grow up to twenty two centimetres. Sea stars can be a variety of colours such as yellow, orange, red, brown and sometimes fuchsia.
Seahorses are animals found in pacific waters from North America and South America. Their size can range from 1.5 centimetres to 35.5 centimetres. Seahorses like to eat plankton and small fish. They can change colours to match their surroundings.
Turtles are floating around in south eastern North America and South Asia. Turtles can grow up to 12 inches (30 centimetres). Five inches (12 centimetres) is the smallest. They like to eat things like vegetables. Turtles can be different colours like olive, green, yellow, greenish-brownish and reddish-brownish.
Marine animals that are swimming in our oceans come in many different shapes, colours and sizes. They all have unique features. There are a large variety of species.