Year Two
Making Chocolate Crackles
During our inquiry topic, 'All Mixed Up" we made chocolate crackles. The day after we go to eat them and it was a great experience. It was the best thing ever! We used yummy ingredients. They were 4 cups of rice puffs, 1 cup of icing sugar, 1 cup of coconut, 250g of copha, 3 tbs of cocoa. The equipment we used was a mixing bowl, a spoon, a cup a wooden spoon. We then mixed them altogether!
2A, 2B, and 2C made chocolate crackles during Inquiry. It was a very fun experience and they were also really yum! We made chocolate crackles for our inquiry topic - 'All Mixed Up" The chocolate crackles were really good. We go to mix up all the ingredients, pour water in and had lots of fun.
Year 5 STEM Incursion
On Wednesday, 21st of August, the Year 5 STEM class showed our Year 2 class some awesome experiments. First was the rainbow skittles. That was probably my favouriteone. Also there was hot water and the skittles melted into a swirl. It was so cool. The bottom of the skittles went white.
On Wednesday, the Year 5's came. They told us that they were doing a STEM project. My favourite one was when they showed us teh skittles! And they put hot water and then it turned rainbow! I was surprised.
Samuel K
The Year 5's came over to show me experiments. The first one was a lava lamp. They put some tablets. The second one was a skittle one. They put hot water and it was so colourful and pretty, rainbow and surprising. And the last one did not work out. An then that was when we did the drill.
Millie D
3D Construction
In Maths we were learning about 3D shapes, so we had tne nets of many 3D shapes to construct them into 3D shapes. I got a cylinder's net. The easy part was the rolling and the hard part was putting the circles on there.
Ruvin M
This term we have been making 3D constructions. First, we went into 4 groups and my group had rainbow coloured sticks with white mini balls. We made all sorts of 3D shapes such as a triangular prism and a cube. We also made a giant stick tower out of bigger sticks and coloured connectors! The teacher was amazed so we took a picture with the teacher in it. After 5 minutes in one station, we changed stations and my group had green playdough and little match sticks. My group made a 3D rectangular prism. It was really tall! Then the whole class packed up all the games. We were sad that we needed to pack up because we really enjoyed it.
Selina W
In Year 2, we have been building 3D constructions. It was very FUN! There were little sticks that were colourful and little balls that had holes in them. Then we went into 4 groups and did the activities. Me and my friend joined a ball and a stick together and it stayed! Then we started to build lots of cubes and joined them together to make a big tower! We had 5 minutes to play in each station then we changed. My teacher Teresa was proud of me for making my towers. The next station was making shapes with playdough and little matchsticks. It was the same as the last station but with balls of playdough and matchsticks. I made a triangular prism and my friend made a rectangular prism. I felt frustrated because the tower kept on falling down, but I still had a fabulous time with the 3D constructions!
Kiara T