Year One
Melbourne Museum
On Thursday 5th September, Year 1 embarked on a journey to the Melbourne Museum! The main focus of our visit was the Melbourne Story exhibition to learn about how our city has changed over the years. Year 1s have been looking at ‘past and present’ in our Inquiry topic, learning about how things like houses, furniture, technology and transportation have changed.
In the Melbourne Story exhibition we saw old trams, cars, houses and more! We even got to sit in an old movie theatre and an old roller coaster!
Please enjoy this recount from one of our students:
On Thursday 5th of September the Year 1s went to the museum. First we looked at how the Earth changed. Second we saw sharks and fish. Third we saw dinosaurs. Fourth we went to the Evolution Gallery, we saw an old house. We saw how Melbourne used to be, we saw how cinemas used to look like. We saw old boats. We saw an old kitchen then we went to the 600 million years. We saw more dinosaur bones then we saw the rainforest. We saw a lizard there. We saw fish in there. Finally we had lunch. We went on the playground after lunch. Also we went to bugs alive, we saw spiders.
Lucas L