Maths Years 7-9
During maths in Year 8, students have been working on designing a probability game for the Year 7 students to play. Louise, Brooke and I decided to create a game with a probability of popping balloons for different points depending on the colour you popped. In our game, we had a shuttlecock attached to a display pin that people would drop from a height and aim for a balloon. Our balloons were all different sizes making it that the big balloons were the easiest to pop but had the lowest amount of points which was 2, the medium balloons were slightly harder to pop but were worth 5 and the small balloons were hard to pop but worth 10 points. Every 10 points students accumulated they would receive a blue token, these tokens allowed them to go into the draw to win prizes. During this project I learnt how to work in a team and create a game for others to play. I also learnt the skills of probability and what theoretical and experimental probability means. I enjoyed this project because we were able to work in groups and create a game that not only others would enjoy, but we would enjoy. Overall this project was very fun and was filled with lots of new skills for us to learn.
Alexsandra K
Earlier in the term, the Year 8’s had a math project to conduct a probability game for a Probability Fair for the Year 7’s. We started Skill building 3 weeks into the term to recap over skills that we needed to know to complete the project. We were then put into groups of 2-3 to create a fun and easy game that would be played by the Year 7’s. We learnt how to create tree diagrams to represent the possible outcomes and convert between a decimal, fraction, and a percentage. Some students created card games, spinner games, balloon pop, and ring toss as their game idea which was a big hit with their customers. Overall, the project was a fun experience with a very interesting maths that improved our learning to a high standard and was fun at the same time.
Adrian S