Assistant Principal's Report

Dear Parents & Carers

At this time of the year we often reflect and evaluate our achievements or decide on future objectives. Our Annual Improvement Plan has become the document upon which we judge ourselves. As a school we have made significant progress in advancing our goals.

One of the areas in which the school has progressed over the past three years is our dedication to improvement using the latest educational research into high performing schools. Teachers' awareness of the need to engage in professional reading and discourse has increased substantially. This is all part of a journey toward becoming a Catholic Professional Learning Community . Key features of the type of school we want to promote is one that has high collaboration amongst teachers and students, high expectations, a results focus, a student centred approach and improved student outcomes as the overarching goal.

The following lists some of our Key aspirational goals and also some to aim for into the future. 


  • We want to continue our collaborative approach, working in teams to improve teacher and classroom practice.
  • A common school wide language of learning.
  • A student friendly outline of what students should expect each day and each lesson.
  • Increase the need to listen to student voice.
  • A mindset that is continually asking 'where are we going? Where are we now and where to next.'
  • Recognition that we have a moral purpose to work collectively to ensure our focus is on improved student learning and well being.
  • A focus on the classroom as the place of assessment and learning with further development of formative Assessment rather than summative.
  • A Diocesan wide review of our reporting system.

Daily Timetable for 2018

A significant structural change will take place next year when we move to a 5 period day. We have altered our Pastoral structure this year and intend  to refine this time even further next year. We want to start each day (except Mondays) with a coaching time for students, to ensure students are ready for a full day of learning. With the 5 period day we have had much discussion around the times for breaks. The following table is our current proposal.

Year 10

Seeking to meet the needs of our students is a major driver for change. Next year we are looking to introduce a 3rd elective line into Year 10. On this line which will only be for 2 periods a cycle students can choose to do Maths, English, Science, Information Technology, Careers and Food/ Life skills. At this point key staff are writing up information on each course which we will publish as a booklet next week. An Information evening will be held for parents and carers in Week 6.

 Dates to Remember

  • 6 November
  • 7 November - Melbourne Cup Mission Day, HSC Concludes
  • 8 November - Year 9 Mass
  • 10 November - Pastoral
  • 13 November - Exam Week Year 10
  • 15 November - Year 8 Mass
  • 16 November -  Yr 7 Immunisations
  • 17 November - PLT  - Year 12 Formal




Simon Fleming 

A.P / Curriculum Coordinator