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HSC & Careers Expo 2019
Check out the information below for the HSC & Careers Expo 2019
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UAC Applications are opening 3 April
You are able to apply for undergraduate and international as well as Schools Recommendation Schemes, Educational Access Schemes and Equity Scholarships. Read more.
Want some advice on applying for uni? - UAC
29 March. 12.30pm
We can help. Put 12.30pm Friday 29 March in your diary and find out more.
Educational Access Schemes (EAS) - UAC
Institutions acknowledge that difficult circumstances can prevent students from reaching their true academic potential, particularly if their educational performance has been affected by long-term disadvantage beyond their control and choosing. Educational Access Schemes (EAS) can help you gain access to tertiary study if your ATAR is below the course cut-off.
Law UNSW LAT Test Reminder– UAC
3 October
The Law Admission Test (LAT) is a selection test developed to assess the types of aptitudes and skills that are critical to success in undergraduate level law program at UNSW Sydney.
Visit the LAT website for further information.
Medicine and Medical Sciences Reminder– UAC
Some institutions will require you to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT). Find out more. A summary of these requirements can be found in the Medicine and Medical Sciences fact sheet.
University of Sydney - Explore Engineering Winter School
Applications open in April
18-19 July
Years: 9–10. Through this two-day intensive workshop on campus you will discover more about the range of disciplines and careers available in engineering. You will experience the latest technologies while participating in hands-on activities, visiting laboratories and industry sites such as Google. Places are limited.
ACU Uni Step-up – Paramedicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Exercise, Sport Science, Teaching
Re- Partner Schools.
Take your first step into uni at ACU. Our Uni Step-Up program is your chance to experience university life by joining us on campus to study a first-year unit while you’re still in Year 11 or Year 12.
To register your interest or get more information, please contact 02 9701 4606.
University of Wollongong Open Day
Saturday 3 August
Save the date! This is a chance for students, parents and teachers to tour our campus, check out the accommodation options, join one of the many info sessions and talk with current students and lecturers. Visit the UOW Open Day website for more information.
Southern Cross University Personal Campus Tour
In the meantime, should you live in or be visiting one of our beautiful campus regions, you are welcome to take a personalised guided tour, which will give you the chance to look around and meet staff on campus.
Bookings for campus tours are essential. Please email or phone 1800 626 481
Western Sydney University Free HSC Study
8 to 12 July
Our free HSC Study Sessions are happening between 8 – 12 July. These sessions are run by experienced HSC teachers to help you excel in your HSC exams and assessments.
Each session will be structured around the subject syllabus. There will also be plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions
Apply to ANU – A Simple Step by Step Guide
Ready to begin your undergraduate studies at ANU?
Tick your application off your list so it's one less thing you need to th