
Presentation held

Cowra High’s BroSpeak program concluded last week with a lunch and presentation of certificates.  A number of Year 8 boys were invited to complete the program and their enthusiasm and willingness to learn was excellent throughout.  First developed in 2011, BroSpeak combines cultural connection with personal growth sessions such as self-esteem, goal setting and conflict resolution.  Added into the mix are employability skills including leadership and careers.

These topics are reinforced through a guest mentor who discusses their personal journey to the students.  This program’s mentors included Dennis Moran (former NRL player), Allan Hall (Aboriginal Education and Engagement Adviser), together with Cowra High School’s new Aboriginal Cultural Coordinator, William Ingram and Aboriginal Education Officer, Rodney Eastwood.

Expanding on the student’s cultural understanding was a priority of the program and William passed on his extensive knowledge on the significance of totems, Dreamtime stories and artefacts.  Students were also shown how to gather a coolamon utilising one of the school’s Yellow Box trees.

Many thanks to staff members for their flexibility in allowing students to attend.


Damien Johnson