Student Achievement Awards

FARiley Riley has taken an active interest in learning about phonics. He eagerly listens to the sounds and blends them together to make a word. Well done Riley!
FRAlex Well done Alex on showing great creativity when coming up with WOW words for our VCOP wall. He used his senses to describe the popcorn and how it cooked with words like 'sizzling' and 'rough'.
FSIshaan Ishaan demonstrated amazing teamwork skills in his Big Talk group and used his fantastic vocabulary to describe popcorn. He listened carefully, asked questions and when it was his turn, spoke confidently. Well done Ishaan!
1JAnnie Annie has shown great creativity when inventing a unique problem and solution in her writing. She included a detailed and well thought out illustration to support her text.
1PBenjamin Well done Benjamin for showing great focus and determination by creating a unique and interesting story during writing time. You did a fantastic job by using some amazing WOW words like 'stumbled' to describe how the wolf fell over in your story of Little Red Riding Hood.
2HNayanka Well done Nayanka you have shown commitment and determination in narrative writing this week . You have used fantastic Ollie Openers/WOW Words and have been focused on challenging yourself whenever possible.
2PFDan Dan effectively used words and images to find the main safety message in a text. He then showed great creativity when making an eye catching road safety poster to help keep other community members safe.
3CRithik Rithik showed excellent responsibility and independence in completing his character profile on Bilbo Baggins. He included descriptive and unique details about this character.
3PSean Sean has attempted all writing tasks in a positive and determined manner. He wrote an excellent Character Profile on Miss Petrucci, using descriptive and emotive words.
4BZoe Well done Zoe for displaying strong organisation and commitment to your reading. You have written wonderful reflective comments about the text you have read each day, including short statements describing the characters in the book.
4SAnisha Anisha was able to plan an excellent narrative using the correct structure, including more mature language and a very interesting solution to the problem in her story. Congratulations Anisha on your writing!
56GPKheyaira For working collaboratively with her team in producing an excellent role play about the three levels of government. During the planning process she was able to share her ideas and actively listen to opinions of others.
5IMischa Mischa showed engagement and interest during writing this week. She was able to produce interesting and well written compound sentences using FANBOYS connectives.
5PAbbie For outstanding effort in reading and writing. Abbie always completes classwork to the best of her ability and has done a great job adding description to her writing using powerful adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
6DKevin Has shown amazing organisational skills when completing his reading contract. He has demonstrated an excellent understanding of sequencing text.
6SHayley Hayley has demonstrated excellent resilience and hard work towards her maths work. Her hard work paid off when she received excellent results in her test on factors and multiples.
PEMitch For demonstrating great leadership qualities during last weeks Round Robin. As Captain of the team, he was able to set a good example to his team mates through his communication skills and positive attitude. Well done Mitch.