Legal Studies

Year 12 Legal Studies Incursion – Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC)

On Monday 6th March, a Lawyer and member of the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) visited Melton Secondary College and presented to the Year 12 Legal Studies class.

The role and impact of the Victorian Law Reform Commission is relevant to Outcome 1 in Unit 3 of the Study Design, so this incursion was most relevant and beneficial to the students.  

The VLRC came into operation on April 2001. It is an independent, government funded organisation. It was established to investigate areas of law in which government feels there is a need for reform and to monitor and coordinate law reform activity in Victoria.

The class were presented an engaging workshop explaining the role of the VLRC in influencing a change in the law, with reference to the contemporary example of Medicinal Cannabis. This Incursion has helped students prepare for the upcoming SAC.

A few students interested in pursuing a career in Law and their role at the VLRC remained after class to chat to the presenter. They were most supportive in sharing their pathway and experience and the students were most appreciative. 

The Year 12 Legal Studies students are to be commended for their enthusiastic participation and respectful behaviour throughout the presentation.

Ms Cometti