Kids Corner

Some wonderful work being done at Home!

Students from 1P became measuring detectives.

Auryn found items around the house that were heavier or lighter than each other.
Benjamin found out that a lunch box is indeed heavier than a spoon.
Auryn found items around the house that were heavier or lighter than each other.
Benjamin found out that a lunch box is indeed heavier than a spoon.


Max from 1P made a crown fit for a queen. His mummy loved this for Mother's Day!

Max - 1P
Max - 1P


We have been doing lots of measuring in maths - 1P

Ben and his little brother used 'measuring' to help mummy bake delicious cookies.
Michael helped his mummy cook dinner, using measuring to help them get the recipe right!
Ben and his little brother used 'measuring' to help mummy bake delicious cookies.
Michael helped his mummy cook dinner, using measuring to help them get the recipe right!


Fantastic Kabuto Hats were made to celebrate Children's Day in Japan!

Imogen - FA
Elly - 3C
Akain - 2PF
Auryn - 1P
Imogen - FA
Elly - 3C
Akain - 2PF
Auryn - 1P
Olivia - 4B
Declan - 4B
Thomas - 5I
Emmett - 6D
Olivia - 4B
Declan - 4B
Thomas - 5I
Emmett - 6D


Shape Poems about Ourselves - 3C

Can you find the alliterations Samika used?
Can you find the similes Grace used?
Can you find the alliterations Samika used?
Can you find the similes Grace used?

Multiplication Building Arrays - 3C
