Deputy Principal's News

Dear Families,


Well done to the children in Years 3 and 5 who sat NAPLAN tests 2 weeks ago.  In the last newsletter I shared a letter which Kate Korber shared with me. I would like to highlight a key message in the letter, “NAPLAN does not assess all of  what makes each of you exceptional and unique.”  


Classroom and Specialist teachers are currently in the middle of student knowledge and understanding in preparation for report writing.  Student reports will be shared digitally before the end of term and prior to the Parent Teacher meetings via the Nforma Parent portal. Further information will be sent out closer to the date on how to access your child’s academic report for Semester 1.


Planks Incursion  (Whole School)

On Tuesday 28th May the students were involved in ‘Planks’ workshops here at school.  Planks are unique building blocks made from natural materials and identical in shape and size.  They are used to build structures which are held together by gravity and balance. Planks promote play-based learning.  Our workshops were designed to support our Maths and STEM curriculum. The students had an amazing time taking part in the workshop.  Some of the following photos speak for themselves!

If you would like to find out more about ‘Planks’,                                                    please visit:

Cheese and Wine Night

Thank you to the parents who supported our (Cheese and Wine / School Tours 2020 Night).  We look forward to hosting another event in the near future.


Walkathon / Year 3 Food Day

Thank you to all the parents who assisted in planning and setting up the school Walkathon.  Unfortunately the inclement weather saw the postponing of this event. The parents in year 3 organised a pizza lunch for all students to follow on from the walkathon. Fortunately the lunch was not cancelled.  A big thank you to the parents in year 3 for the yummy lunch.

Winter Uniforms

With the colder weather here, a timely reminder that students should now be wearing their full school winter uniforms.  Please ensure that school uniforms are clearly labelled in the event that your child misplaces an item.


School Musical

Auditions for the main roles of the School Musical ‘Mary Poppins’ were held on a Tuesday.  Thank you to the panel made up of Miss Allen and two independent actors Alistair and Cameron for running the auditions. Students will be notified of their parts in the coming weeks.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Twitter and Instagram Feeds.  Our Facebook Page is coming soon.

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Carmelina Corio

Deputy Principal