What we’ve been up to at OSHC!

Last week our theme was ‘STEAM Adventures’, with an aim to provide opportunities for the children to explore engineering, mathematics, arts as well as science concepts. The children loved getting involved in lots of team challenges including building new inventions using recycled materials and designing their own rocket ship using lego blocks. This term we’ve been continuing to perfect the best OSHC slime recipe and many of the children have loved trying some new recipes last week! Holly and Matilda in Prep loved creating their own jigsaw puzzles and shared them with us to solve. Another awesome week!

Pupil Free Day News

On Monday, we had our Pupil Free Day! The theme for the day was ‘Circus Bigtop’ and the children absolutely loved our circus skills incursion. The children learnt how to juggle with scarves, parachuting techniques, hula hooping and some basic acrobatics tricks. At the end of the session, the children worked in teams to create their own circus performance. It was a fantastic day, here are some of the children’s reflections:


‘I loved being a team leader and helping the younger children’ - Stella R in Grade 5

‘I liked learning about how to juggle with scarves’ - Zoe K in Grade 1

Coming up at OSHClub!

Our theme next week is ‘Reconciliation Week’. To mark this important week, the children will take some time to learn more about the local Aboriginal culture. Here are a couple of activities that we have planned:

We look forward to making new friends and learning new things through play and social experiences. As always there will also be a quiet time for homework, relaxation and reading.

Homework Club 

Mornings: 7.00am-8.15am

Afternoons: 3.45pm-4.30pm and 5.00pm-5.30pm


Below are some of our menu specials for this week at OSHC!

A platter of fresh fruit and vegetables are always served with our menu specials.

OSHClub Dojo Party: Tuesday 4th of June!

At St James OSHClub, we have been using some new behaviour management strategies through the application ‘Class Dojo’.  Children are allocated to an avatar that accumulates points that can be redeemed for predefined prizes. Points are allocated for positive behaviours that align with the St James CPS values. The children have responded extremely well to this system and are excited to strive for their best at OSHC. Recently, the children collectively won over 200 points! As such, on Tuesday the 4th of June, OSHClub will have a small party during After School Care  to reward the children for their efforts! If your children would like to come along and celebrate, we welcome you to book in for the date.


Also, if you have a child who attends OSHClub, please take a moment to sign up to our Class Dojo. Through the application parents can view how their child is behaving and also peep a view at the fun things we get up to!

Meet the Team

We’re here to make OSHC the best experience possible. If you have any questions about the program or just want to have a chat, feel free to drop by, meet the team and see what happens first hand in the program. 

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!


From the Team at OSHClub: Laura and Casey