Infants and Primary

Week 7 award recipients

Star students of the week

Kinder: Eddie Bailey for a responsible attitude to learning.

Year 1: Lilliannah Campbell for participating in all learning.

Year 2/3: Mason Friend,for being helpful and working hard.


Primary awards

Year 3/4: Noah Bush for improved effort to understand new concepts in mathematics.

Year 5/6: Blake Cross for consistent effort, a great attitude and brilliant behaviour.

Rainbow Room:  Markis Eastham-Ward for maintaining focus and being a good leader.


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) awards

Infants: Tommy Ford and Amali Bush

Primary: Nathan Trevillian and Blayde Trotter


Reading awards

25 nights:  Mila Patyuk



All Infants classes have been working hard this term and it is great to hear the humming buzz of children engaged in their learning through out the building.


The Year 1 and Year 2 children have enjoyed their visits to the pool for swimming for sport over the last few weeks. We thank Jaimee our Austswim instructor, Miss Downey our swimming coordinator and class teachers for the time and effort they have put into Swimming for Sport.


We are looking forward to the learning that we will undertake during the last part of the term and are thankful for recent rain. The school grounds and surrounding farm land do look a little greener.


K/1 Class


The K/1 class has been enjoying some great learning experiences through the middle of the term. The effort the children are putting in is really showing and each day every child is moving ahead in leaps and bounds.

Homework has commenced for Kindergarten children and they seem to have taken to it with much excitement! We can only hope this enthusiasm lasts for twelve more years!!

The reading skills of both our Kindergarten and Year 1 students are really improving and we are focusing on comprehending what we have read. Writing has been a focus over the last few weeks and fine motor and letter formation skills are benefiting from lots of practise. Our counting and number works has moved to early multiplication and division skills over the last couple of weeks, an area our Year 1 class members are really leading the way in.

Over the last week we have been making sure we are doing lots of hand washing and practising good hygiene principles in the classroom. We have a little song that the children will be able to sing to you to help with making this fun!


Mrs Proudford I K/1 Teacher

Year 1

Year 1 loves measuring important things in the classroom. Using paddlepop sticks they took it in turns to lie on the floor while their partner measured. There was lots of laughter as they counted the paddlepop sticks to discover who is the tallest.


Miss Morris I Year 1 Teacher

Year 2/3

Year 2/3 have had a busy few days after their fabulous performance last week at the formal assembly. In Art they have been inspired by Henri Matisse and did some drawing with scissors. They attended a wind farm talk to learn about wind farms and what makes the wind blow and they made their own windmills. They also enjoyed making healthy scrolls in cooking and ate every last piece of food on their plates. Lots of laughing and learning happening in Year 2/3.


Miss Downey I Year 2/3 Teacher

Year 3/4

Year 3/4 have been learning about multiplication and division over the last few weeks, practising writing their times tables daily and saying them aloud. Students have also been exploring the different ways that we can represent and use multiplication to get a better understanding of the  complex topic.

In groups, students worked on one times table and made a poster to represent the different ways it can be shown. They explored concepts of repeated addition, arrays, strip diagrams, groups and number lines then presented their posters to the class, and identified any patterns or tricks they noticed.


Miss Kylie Halls I Year 3/4 Teacher

Year 5/6

The Year 5/6 class have had a very busy and successful few weeks. We had a visit from the Bango Wind Farm who put on a workshop telling us all of the benefits of wind energy, explained how wind farms worked, and we even got to create our own mini wind turbines. We also submitted all of our work for the Boorowa Show - and we were very pleased with the results! We hope everyone got a chance to look at our writing and artworks on display. 


In English we have begun a new topic of learning on The Invisible Kingdom by Rob Ryan - exploring narratives, character descriptions, advanced language and symbolism through texts. We continue to explore a unit on number in mathematics - specifically focusing on column multiplication (if we remember the process and know our times's easy!). In history we continue to explore Australia's colonial heritage, researching the lives and impact of Australia's first governors. In science we are exploring the Earth's composition with Mrs Hoy. In STEM we conducted a project on balloon powered cars. In music we are exploring pop music and basic guitar and ukelele chords - along with some singing. Phew! Busy, busy busy!


Jason Stuart I Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving) - Year 5/6 Teacher


Announcing the theme for Book Week 2020: Curious Creatures, Wild Minds 

Each year across Australia, the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) brings children and books together to celebrate CBCA Book Week. During this time schools, libraries, booksellers, authors, illustrators and children celebrate Australian children’s literature. Boorowa Central School will be holding our annual Book Fair combined with Book Week and the Boorowa Central School 150th Anniversary Celebrations during the week of Monday 31 August to Saturday 5 September 2020.


Although this may sound like many months away, I wanted to give students and parents a huge heads up in regards to the fascinating theme the Children’s Book Council has chosen for this year’s event.

I'm also hoping this will give you all a head start thinking about what fabulous costumes you could help your students make for what we hope will be a wonderful fantasy parade. Curious creatures could be absolutely anything from the mythological imaginations of the Ancient World like winged horses, 3 headed dogs, mermaids and dragons to the fairy world of goblins, elves and the curious creatures found in literature like hypogryhs and phoenixes.


Mrs Eustace I Teacher Librarian