BASE 1270

Base 1270

A big congratulations to all of those who students who have received certificates over the last two weeks. All of the Educators at Base 1270 are really proud of the way that you have been conducting yourself at Before School Care and After School Care.


We are well into term 4 which means planning for Christmas activities is underway! If you have any ideas or suggestions of activities that you would like to do at Base 1270, please speak to one of the Educators.


Please remember to bring your hat to After School Care! If you do not have a hat then you will not be able to play outside. If you would like to keep a hat at Base 1270, please make sure that it has your name on it and you hand it to an Educator when you arrive.


Our parent suggestion box is up and running. This will be located on the sign in desk next to the iPad. We would love for suggestions and feedback on how you think the service is running and what we can do to meet the needs of your child.


Parent Surveys - It has been great to see so many responses to our online parent feedback survey. The survey will close on 30 October so there is still time to have your say


We hope you all have a fantastic week!


Base 1270 Staff.