Teacher Training

Introductory Certificate (level 1)
Semester 2 Level 1 is postponed. The next training will be Term 1, 2019.
Advanced Practice Certificate (level 2)
Over three days, from 18-20 November, VAPS will be running an Advanced Practice Certificate.
This course is designed to support educators who wish to implement the Philosophy programs in schools by extending their skills as facilitators of Philosophical Communities of Inquiry.
Successful participants will be given the opportunity to consolidate their skills in the facilitation of the philosophical community of inquiry with schools students, including 'tools for navigating the inquiry pathway and the development of classroom materials. It will also assist you to plan for, integrate, and assess for the new Ethical Capability in classroom learning.
Perquisites for the course are that participants have competed Level 1 Philosophy in Schools training or have an honours degree in Philosophy, AND a minimum of six months regular practical experience teaching philosophy.
To prepare for this training, participants will be expected to complete a number of readings prior to commencement and submit a reflective journal.
Presenter Details
Dr. Harry Galatis
coordinates the Master of Teaching (Primary) program at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. He lectures in Philosophy of Education and hold a PhD in Moral Philosophy from the University of Melbourne.
Jill Howells:
is an educator with a long history in Philosophy for Children. She has been recently appointed Acting Principal at Coburg North Primary School. Before that she was Assistant Principal at Brunswick East Primary School (BEPS). She completed her Level 1 training in 2003 and introduced Philosophy for Children to the school. She completed her Level 2 training in 2006. Philosophy for Children is now threaded through the learning the takes place at BEPS and underpins the school's values. All students participate in regular Philosophy for Children sessions. Jill has mentored, coached, and led professional learning sessions for teachers in Philosophy for Children.
Dr. Janette Poulton
has been active in promoting philosophy in schools for over two decades. She is employed as the Academic Coordinator of the School of Education and Arts at MIT and lectures to primary school pre-service teachers. She is the Education and Innovations Officer for VAPS and as such is responsible for curriculum development, events, and training of presenters.
Emmanuel Skoutas
is an experienced Philosophy teacher and is currently an Assistant Principal at Camberwell High School. He has a special interest in the ethical pedagogy of facilitating dialogical philosophy inquiry in the classroom. He regularly runs Philosophy in the Classroom teacher professional development with teachers across Melbourne.
Bonnie Zuidland
is a lead teacher in her school in the Dandenong Rangers where she teaches philosophy from grades 7-12. She is currently chair of VAPS. She has completed Level 1 & 2 Philosophy in schools training and has completed an apprenticeship as practitioner with VAPS and FAPSA.
Please see our website and calendar for full details about venues, times, and registrations for all events.
Please contact our Education Officer for an inquiries.