Market Day


Friday 27 March

Staff Professional Development Day -STUDENT FREE DAY

End of Term 1


Monday 13 April

Easter Monday


Tuesday 14 April


Learning at Lilydale

Year 8 Humanities Presentation - Ms Stavrou

Market Day

Friday 13 March - Lunchtime

Parent Compass Guide

The attached PDF will introduce you to the features of Compass for a Parent.

Does your child have UNEXPLAINED ABSENCES?

Please assist us to fulfil our legal obligations by parent approving absences on COMPASS or by calling the School Absence Line 9735 5644.


It is DEECD (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) policy that all student absences are accounted for.


The school should be contacted if it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days.


Parents and guardians who may have forgotten their Compass username and password, can contact Kerri Skewes and Kerrie O'Rourke  in the Junior School Office.

Junior School Coordinators